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Later that day, Fox and I step back to admire our work. Miraculously, we were able to finish Scarlet's draping task after I finally realised my hidden talent for stitch pulling. He smiles at me, tugging my shoulder with a satisfied smirk.

"You are a natural." He takes the pins from my palm and shoves them onto a nearby table. "I think we should get Scar out to take a look."

"She seemed busy earlier." I point out. "I walked by her office and she was on the phone yelling at someone."

He waves his hand. "She's always yelling on the phone. It's her job."

"No, I know. But this sounded different." I clarify. "She sounded upset?"

"Upset?" He stops to look at the closed door to her office. "Upset how?"

"I don't know?" A nervous ripple swims through my stomach. "I was going to speak to her, but I didn't want to overwhelm her."

He pats my shoulder. "Let me go speak to her. I'm sure it was nothing."

I nod back, returning to the mannequins for a final look. It takes ten minutes for Fox to return with Scarlet by his side. She looks flustered, distant and somewhat annoyed. I smile at her gently, and thankfully, she smiles back.

"This looks amazing?" She gasps, combing her fingertips through the fabric. "Mila, this is great?"

"You think?"

She wraps her forearm around my back, and I look across at her and smile, my stomach erupting with butterflies. "Absolutely." She rasps. "Looks like you're on track with joining the team. What do you think, Fox?"

He pouts. "I'm down to have a prodigy under my wing."

Scarlet cocks her brow. "Show me you can handle your work load and I may allow you to mentor."

"Rude, Scarlet." He chuckles. "Rude."

Scarlet turns her head and kisses my forehead. "She's precious cargo, and clearly very talented. I need to know that you're up for the job before I let you transfer skills."

"I need to go before I start blushing." I giggle, leaning my head into Scarlet's shoulder.

She brushes her thumb over my cheek. "Blush baby, I've got plenty more."

"Oh my fucking god." Fox mimics an urging motion opposite. "Get a room."

"We have one." Scarlet winks, letting go of my back. "Anyway, can you get these to David and have him stitch for prototype?"

He salutes her. "No problem, boss."

Scarlet leads me to her office and closes the door behind. She approaches her desk, leaving me in the centre of the room. "You really did an amazing job, James." She looks up at me through her lashes. "I would place that talent on a third year."

I shrug. "What can I say." I smile smugly. "Fox has some great tips."

"He's a great designer."

I watch her scramble through a few shots from the shoot earlier this week. I can't help but notice her absent behaviour. She seems lost, searching for something within herself that has disappeared.

"Is everything ok?" I ask, approaching her desk to sit opposite. "I heard you on the phone earlier."

Her eyes dart toward me. "You did?"

"I mean I didn't hear anything. It just sounded like you were upset?"

She swallows. "It was a business call. People love to make my life difficult." She explains. "Don't worry yourself. It will sort itself out."

"I know when you're lying, Scarlet." I lean forward, reaching for her hand. "You don't have to tell me, but I know something's up."

She looks down at my hand and rolls her thumb over my knuckles. "I'm fine." She smiles. "Just a little issue with somebody I used to know, that's all."

"I'm here if you want to talk." I remind her. "Always."

"Thanks." I look at her with an awe struck gaze. Despite being upset, she really does look beautiful today. Seeing her in a gown will never be unsettling, and the way her makeup highlights her features has always been a major turn on. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She giggles anxiously.

I shrug. "I just can't believe how lucky I am." I admit with an air of confidence. "It's like looking at a painting."

"Now you're going to make me blush." She pulls her hand back and fixes her hair. "Easy, James. I might just dip out early and take you home."

"Speaking of." I draw out. "I thought about surprising Maisie with the whole moving in thing. I don't think I'd survive the night if she knew."

"You're going back to your apartment?" She looks at me concerned.

I stammer. "I don't know?" She grabs her phone and turns it over at the sight of an incoming call. "I didn't know when you'd want us to make it official?"

"Baby girl." She chuckles. "You're not going back to that death trap. I'll have someone collect your things in a few days. But for now, Maisie can enjoy her new room without her prized possessions."

"New room?"

She nods, handing me a small pocket of documents. I pull them out and gasp. "I had my decorators renovate the room beside Teddy. Pastel pink and a gigantic princess bed."

I slump back into the chair with a shaking head. "I'm not going anywhere." I laugh. "You don't have to keep doing nice things for me, Scarlet."

"It's my love language." She winks. "And besides. You can't move in without her having her own space. She's a growing girl. As much as she humours Teddy's interests, you can't expect her to snuggle in a Dino bed forever."

"You're something else." I huff. "How am I ever going to repay you for all of this?"

She shrugs with a playful pout. "Spoon me and tickle my thigh? I really love it when you do that."

I roll my eyes. "I'm serious."

"So am I?" She laughs. "Mila, I want this. It's not a gift or some extravagant pay cheque. Going home and snuggling up under the covers with you feels like a fever dream right now, and believe it or not, having someone to call my own is all I've ever wanted."

"Likewise." I smile, looking deep into her eyes. "It's pretty special huh."

She nods. "Accept the special treatment. I'm a whore for giving gifts. Just look at Harlow's closet."

"Oh I believe you." I chuckle. "I've seen the diamonds around her wrists."

"So we're settled." She leans forward. "No payment needed. Just you and your chaotic little princess."

I hold my hand out for a handshake "You and your cuddly little prince."

We shake hands with a smirk.


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