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Scarlet has been on edge for days. I try to reassure her that everything is ok, but still, she panders to me every second she can. It's nice, in a way. For years, she has been stuck in a constant struggle to find and maintain her power. This incident with Hunter has only reminded her of the sensitivities needed to maintain a marriage.

I take full advantage of her willingness to let me have control. Each and every aspect of the campaign is under my rule, and no matter how hard I push, she's always willing to give, even if it means sacrificing a small piece of her soul.

Fox runs around like a headless chicken, and Harlow has found herself offering her hand in any which way she can. For once, I'm in charge, and to be honest, it feels fucking fantastic. I love being a house wife, but the thrill of being the boss does nothing but wonders for my self esteem.

"Where are we going with the swatches." Fox hands me two pallets of fabric and side eyes me for an answer.

"Left." I point at the array of pastel pinks and greys. "I need them all to be in the wavering silk, if that's ok."

"Absolutely." He places them down beside him and smirks at me. "You've really got this under control, baby."

I nod smugly. "Taught by the best."

He glances over at her office. "She's probably dying inside right now. I bet she regrets handing off her role. You know what she's like."

"She'll get over it." I wink. "Besides. I wouldn't do anything she'd hate. I just want to get this out and make her proud of me, you know?"

"She's always proud of you?" He chuckles. "You don't need to bend over backwards to prove a point."

I settle on the edge of a table and sigh. "I know. I just have this inbuilt insecurity that I don't do enough. I do, but it eats me alive. I want to do something big." I look toward her office and chew my lower lip. "I want to do something that makes the world see me as more than just her wife."

"So that's what this is about?" He turns to me and shakes his head. "Mila, those tabloids are designed to mess with your head. Have you learned nothing these past few weeks?"

"It's true, though." I laugh awkwardly. I work for the company, but I've never done anything notable. I bet millions of people just assume I'm here on the field as a free pass. I didn't finish college. The facts add up, Fox?"

He knocks on my shoulder and huffs. "Girl, please." He grunts. "Stop worrying about that nonsense and focus on the campaign. Your ideas are incredible, and as long as Scarlet can pass them through the board of directors, you will be fine."

I shrug and walk from the table. "If you say so."

"Have some faith." He calls out. "I mean it!"


Later that day, after everyone has gone home, Scarlet still sits behind her desk with a focused yet vacant stare. "Busy?" I ask, closing her door with a quiet snap. "It's time to go, baby."

She looks up with a small smile, as if forgetting where she is. "I was just closing some leads on the little leak we have going on."

"Leak?" She nods. "Since when did we have a leak?"

"Harlow noticed a document in the portfolio that hadn't been released yet." She sighs. "It's a ball-ache, but it happens."

I walk toward her desk and furrow my brow. "So you're saying someone could be working against us?"

She shrugs. "Maybe, but it's unlikely. Chances are the handover team forgot to check the signatures."

Unease swims in my stomach. "You're gonna find out for sure, right?"

She places her wrists on the desk and smiles. "Relax." Her warm chuckle soothes me. "It doesn't seem to be anything other than a mistake."

"Hunter is out for blood." I chuckle anxiously. "He could have hacked us?"

"One, he's not that intelligent. Two, he's aware of my ability to come back, and three, he wouldn't dare. He's afraid of us."

"He's afraid of you." I correct with a laugh. "You pinned him to a wall and pretty much threatened to hit him with your car."

She smirks. "I did." She smiles sweetly. "I'll do it again if I ever see him."

I round the desk and fiddle with the lengths of black hair that tumble over her shoulder. "Kind of hot." I huff. "I wish I could have been there." She looks up at me with sparkly doe eyes and smiles softly. "Angry Scarlet has always done things to me."

"Well, I'm sorry I'm not in any type of mood right now." She reaches for my thigh and grazes it with the tips of her fingers. "I would have given you a little insight."

"It's ok." I sigh sarcastically. "I guess we should just go home?"

She cocks her head and looks at me with a confused smirk. "Home?" Her eyes dart around. "You really thought you could put it on me in my office?"

I pull back and lift my palms defensively. "You haven't made a move yet." I taunt. "It's been two weeks and I'm still having to use my hand."

She stands from her desk and follows me slowly across the room. "You mean to tell me, you've been sleeping on the couch with your hand between your thighs?"

I turn around to face her, my expression serious and untamed. "Don't worry. I still use you as a mental image."

She folds her arms tight and tuts sarcastically. "So my anger has been getting you off, then."

I nod confidently. "Pretty much." I wink. "Admittedly, it was tempting to try for angry sex, but you really did have me fucked up. I may have tortured you and left you in a worse state than before."

I can feel the cogs turning in her head. "I mean- I kind of like the sound of that."

I shake my head and bite my lower lip. "Oh no." I chuckle sadistically. "I'd put money on you losing your shit." Her eyes burn with desire. "You're so used to being looked after and given everything. You'd last no more than five minutes with the fantasies in my head."

She walks toward me and backs me into the wall with a focused expression. "What makes you so sure?"

I jerk when my back hits the wall, but a smirk soon takes over when my palms grab for her ribcage. "I know you, Scarlet." I hum. "Almost ten years of fucking you has taught me all I need to know."

She looks me up and down, her thumb lifting to move my jaw. "How long have you been having these little fantasies?"

I shrug cockily. "Long enough to use them as a mental loop." She pushes my head back into the wall as slowly as she can. "I've just been waiting for you to piss me off enough to make them a reality."

"I guess we've reached that point?"

I chuckle. "You want it, huh?" Her small smile widens slightly. "You want me to torture you?"

"Well, you don't think I could take it." She states. "I disagree, but changing your mind seems to be useless right now."

I reach for her wrists and pull them beside my thighs with a huff. "Fine." I rasp. "Tonight, you have to do exactly as I say, no bitching, no moaning." I begin, feeling her pulse vibrating through my fingers. "Let's see if you can last out my fantasy."


SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now