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Scarlet slips out of her dress and shoves it onto the vanity. She walks toward me, her eyes bright and wanting. "Wow." I hum, scanning her from head to toe. I pause over the thin black lace that hugs her hips, admiring the way she curves through her mid section. "You look incredible."

"Likewise." She winks, reaching for the back of my dress to pull it over my shoulders. "I really lucked out with you."

I shake my head, pushing her hands away to discard my outfit on the floor. "Save the sweet talk." Her eyes widen as I use her hips to walk her backward and toward the bed. "I don't need your smart mouth tonight."

She chuckles softly. "Jesus, James." I stop when the back of her knees hit the mattress behind. "What's gotten into you." The thrill in her eyes is delicious, tempting and somewhat addictive. "I like it."

I slither my hands around her lower back and grab her ass tight. "You." I snap, pulling her into me with a lean toward her ear. "That's what all of this has been about. You." I mock sternly, biting down against her lobe which in turn, elicits a sharp breath. "It's about time I got some come back."

She tilts her head to allow the waves of black to fall over her right shoulder. "Just tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you." She focuses her gaze into my own, our eyes locking instantly. "Anything."

I smirk, looking down at the floor with a shaking head before shoving her back onto the bed. She catches herself on her elbows and gasps, her now needing expression filling me with excitement. "I don't want you to give me anything." I rasp. "Tonight, I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want to you."

She doesn't talk back, only mumbles the word 'fuck' as I crawl toward her and place a hot kiss against her stomach. She watches me carefully, fiddling with the sheets between her fingertips while my hot lips trail slick kisses toward her chest.

I look up at her and smirk before sticking my tongue out and running it over the valley between her boobs. She breathes in deeply, biting her lower lip. "I don't see how this is fair." She voices desperately. "I'm the one that needs to do the making up here. Why am I getting the princess treatment."

I pull back her bra and move my lips to cover her nipple. She screws her eyes together and moans gently. "I get free roam on Scarlet fucking Ramirez." I chuckle confidently, flicking her nipple with my tongue. "I get to tease her and please her until she forgets how to spell her own name."

"Fuck." She gasps, tilting her head back. I continue to the other breast, discarding her bra in the process.

"I get to taste and bite her." I clamp down on her nipple hard, and she moans out into the room with a throaty growl. "I get to watch her face contort into all kinds of pretty expressions while I touch her in ways nobody ever has before."

I move to her lips, pulling her head down to face me with the tip of her chin. She looks back at me with a gaze I can only describe as desperate. Her eyes sparkle, but her lip hangs in disbelief.

"I get to do whatever I want, and nobody else can." I press my lips into hers briefly. "Understood?"

She nods furiously.

"Good." I sit up and push her chest down, her entire back now laying against the expensive sheets. "Take them off." I point down at her panties. "You're not going to need them."

She does as told and discards them quickly. I grab her knees and push them apart, bending down with my ass in the air to blow cold air against her clit. She closes her eyes and huffs. "Shit." Under her breath. "I don't know how long I can take this teasing."

"Too bad." I slap her thighs and smirk as she jerks. "You keep me waiting, I'll keep you waiting."

"Please, Mila." She begs. Reaching for the band of my panties. "I know what you're doing, and don't get me wrong, it's fucking hot, but I really need you right now."

I push her legs further apart and bend my head down between her thighs, pushing my tongue through her folds without warning. She arches her back instantly, gripping the sheets with both fists.

The pause jolts her, and she looks down at me as if she wants to grab my head and take control. I don't let her, I grab both of her hands and cross them over her stomach, holding them before running my tongue through her folds for a second time. This time, I continue, licking and sucking at her clit with a hungry groan.

She pulls back on my grip, arching her back while the sounds of her wet pussy against my tongue send me into my own desire for pleasure. She's incredible, gorgeous and completely under my control.

I pull my tongue away and pause. She huffs, a guttural groan that makes my stomach twist. "Stop it!" She demands. "Mila. Please!"

"Shut your mouth, Ramirez." I press my tongue into her centre and gently moan, the vibrations forcing a neck to bulge in her neck as she rolls her eyes into the back of her head. "You're an intelligent woman. Surely you're able to understand simple instructions."

"Fuck you!"

"You wish." I bite down against the inside of her thigh, my teeth digging into her flesh hungrily. It takes me only a second to return to that sweet spot between her thighs. Licking, sucking, fucking.

I continue until her moans become incoherent and weak. I wait until she trembles and stammers.

And then.

I stop.

"Mila!" She cries. Throwing her head back and groaning.

"Yes?" I crawl up to hover her lips, smirking with my palms still locking her arms over her stomach. "What do you want?"

"You!" She barks. "What do I have to do? Please!"

I shake my head and laugh, pushing my lips into the side of her neck just below her jaw. I suck hard, hoping to leave a mark.

I do.

"You're dragging this out." She complains. "I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry!"

"Too bad." I wink, kneeling from the bed to find my sweater. "I need water."

"Wait?" She sits up and covers herself. "That's it?"

I shrug. "I'll be back to go to sleep. I told you, you have a lot of making up to do."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now