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I made a triple length chapter to apologise for the shitty update waits. Ya girlie is a busy bean🤍

"A sweater?" Willow snatches the thick burgundy material from my palm and throws it onto the floor. "You're going to Dubai, not Alaska?"

I bend to pick it up, folding it lazily in my arms. "It might get cold at night?" I try to reason, but Willow's expression warns me to put it down. "Fine. I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't even know why I'm going. I mean, it's not like I have any skills to offer?"

Willow wiggles her brow. "I think after last night, I have an idea."

"No", I roll my eyes. "That's just how she is. She likes to play powerful. I mean, well, she is powerful, but I'm sure she ramps it up sometimes."

Willow scoffs. "She's into you" I shake my head. "You'd be dumb not to see where it goes. If a billionaire were making moves on me like that, I'd be eating it up like candy."

"I don't want her money, Willow", I defend. "Maisie needs stability. I can't be running around with playgirls for the sake of a good night when I have a kid at home."

"You're an adult", she tosses me a pair of heels. "Having a little fun with someone your age isn't a crime, and Maisie won't even know? It's not like you're getting married and telling her to call Scarlet mommy?"

I shiver. "Don't even joke about that"

"I'm just saying. Maybe you should take notes from the playgirl." Willow tries to justify her argument while shoving various items into the back of my suitcase. "There has to be at least a small part of you that wants her too. She is absolutely stunning, Mila."

I slump down onto the bed and sigh. "She gives me goosebumps", I admit, smiling up at Willow with stars in my eyes. "Everywhere!"

She beams back. "I knew it!" her squeal is piercing. "Same here, and I've never even met the woman. Watching her on the Vogue runway had me melting in my seat. To say I'm jealous is an understatement."

"It's just so cliche?" I fall back into the bed, my arms covering my forehead. "CEOs seducing their assistants, it's something you'd read in a book? I don't wanna be another statistic in the world of girl meets luxury."

"I think you need to chill", Willow laughs, zipping up a bag of toiletries. "Don't forget. Scarlet is a human, too. She has hormones and fantasies, and I'm sure she gets the same goosebumps you do." I shake my head. "People are people, no matter how much they're worth. At the end of the day, we're all looking for someone to get down with."

I laugh, hoping for Willow to be right. "I'm too awkward for all of this." I admit, "I tried to flirt with her the other day, but she figured me out and had me running away like an idiot?"

"Last night was cool, though?" Willow muses, "You modelled for her, corrected her and didn't trip on your way out. I'd say that's a success."

I stand, helping her to zip the case. "If I were to be okay with something a little risky", I chuckle, noticing Willow's shaking head. "How would I let her know without looking stupid? She has a way of picking up on things before they even happen."

"She's a businesswoman." Willow huffs. "It's her job to be calculated and preemptive. You need to come at her from an angle she can't pick apart." I arch a brow, signalling my confusion. "Clearly, she's good with words, so don't use them?"

"You're gonna have to elaborate", I laugh.

She rolls her eyes, leaning down on the bed "Flirtatious looks, sex eyes, all of that good stuff!" I swallow hard. "Tip of the pen in your mouth? Mila, it's flirting 101. Make her wonder what you're thinking about when you're watching her. I promise it will drive her insane. Especially considering how much of a control freak she is."

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