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Scarlet slams me into the bedroom wall and kisses my neck with a fury I would die for. She pins me by pressing hard against my hips, using her lips to command the direction of my head. I groan breathlessly, clutching at her shoulders in hopes not to buckle at the knees.

"You're so pretty." She rasps, and although an innocent statement, her tone reads nothing but filthy passion. "So fucking pretty."

I'm barely able to respond before fingertips drag the band of my skirt over my thighs, leaving behind the thin panties now covered with her palm. She smirks, throwing it across the room. My gaze follows, but her hand quickly forces my gaze back into hers.

"Look at me." She demands, pressing her middle finger into my clit while her spare hand grabs my throat, pressing my head back into the wall. "Focus."

"Yes ma'am." I respond, smirking until she again presses down on the magical trigger between my thighs. I groan, clenching my eyes as she begins to circle over the fabric. "Fuck, Scarlet."

"Open your eyes." Her tone is stern. "I told you to focus."

"I'm trying." I gasp. "You try keeping your eyes open with a hand between your legs."

She offers a seductive smile, rolling her eyes before picking up the pace. My breath quickens dramatically, whimpering against her rhythm. "Fuck." I cry, jerking every time she hits a certain spot. "You're killing me right now."

"Good." She drags her fingers roughly over my stomach and leans in to kiss me. The missing contact between my thighs painful and undeniably desperate. The kiss deepens quickly, her tongue pushing into my mouth with small moans that blush my already dark cheeks.

Shes hungry.

I kiss her back as passionately as I can, but there's no denying her control right now. I put the change in tempo down to a bad day, and I have to admit, despite the circumstances, I'm really fucking enjoying it. Dominant Scarlet is a needed addition to the sweet, sensitive soul I know all too well.

"Turn around." She demands, using my shoulders to make me face the wall. "Close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you to."

"What are you doing?" A sharp thrill rips me open, and the sound of her walking away leaves me musing over the possibilities of her our next encounter. Soon enough, she returns, pulling my hands behind my back and into what feels like a fabric restraint. "What the-

She tightens the straps around my wrists with enough force to stop me mid sentence. I can feel the wetness pooling below, a hot, needing arousal accumulating at an alarming pace. "You like that?" She asks seductively, turning me around only to be slammed back into the wall, my hands now secured behind my
back. "You like being tied up?"

I nod feverishly. "With all of my heart." I smirk. "I have to admit, though. I'm a little scared of you right now."

"Scared?" She tilts her head and runs her hot fingertips up my thigh, a smirk pulling at her lips.

I clench my fists behind my back. "Yeah." I laugh breathlessly. "I feel like you're the type to torture me. I can see it in those pretty eyes. They're taunting me even now." She lifts her brows. "You're that sexy kind of evil, I just know it."

"Fuck, James." She chuckles, sliding her hand up and under the front of my shirt. "You're too good at this."

I roll my tongue over my lower lip. "Tell me I'm wrong."

"I don't lie." She winks, adjusting the hair over her shoulders as if innocent and sweet. "I can, however, see a side to you too." She begins, pressing her palms beside my shoulders while looking me directly in the eye. "You love this shit. The teasing, begging, submission. It's turns you on. I can feel the heat from here."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now