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Stuck between the pillars of life is a young, beautiful soul I like to call reality. She's charming yet lost, wondering with her hands in her pockets while musing her hearts desires. Most of the time, she winds up empty. The cascading silence that comes with being alone forcing her to sit down and accept the life that chose her.

I never chose this life.

When I was young, I imagined myself being rich with family. My wife would hold our baby while my mother would rush to make us a well earned meal. I'd want for nothing, and at the end of the day, I'd go home exhausted by the social life I loved to nurture.

My reality is much different than my fantasy. Harlow is my family, and my self proclaimed house wife. She puts my adopted brother to bed and soothes my stress with the warmth of her hot tongue. For years now, she has taken care of us, stepping in where the shape of a functioning family should sit.

I promised myself never to break the habit of our made up family. I promised myself that seeking pleasure and solitude in a single person is all I needed. I promised myself that although desperate to fall in love, I never would.

When I met Mila, she took me by surprise. Her beauty compels me to thoughts I reserve only for Harlow. She draws me in and keeps me close, holding my heart in the palm of her soft, gentle hands. I told myself not to let her in. She's too pretty, too kind, too perfect. My heart beats harder when she's around, and my lungs breathe deeper when she enters my mind.

I want her.

I need her.

I force myself to blink as I watch over my city from the heights of my lonely office. Of course, the noise outside is company enough, but it doesn't compare to the brief reality I'd learned to accept. Mila won't speak to me, and Harlow is hesitant all the same.

I huff, returning to my desk before the commotion of raised voices spikes my attention. Peering out from behind my door, it's clear Fox has landed himself in a position of scrutiny. Laila and Brook hold out their phones, arguing about something I'm sure he will be able to handle.

But then I notice.

Harlow is staring at Mila from across the room. Her eyes are stuck like glue, watching as she bends over a table to sign some documents. I furrow my brow and observe her ogling gaze. She doesn't look away, she doesn't even try to hide it.

I stand for a few moments. Mila stands too, giggling with James, a cute intern I believe to be sitting at the top of my student design team. She flicks her hair and straightens her back. What the hell is she doing? I look back at Harlow, she's still staring. Her bright eyes tell no lie, she's checking her out.

What the hell is she doing.

I blink hard, hoping that both scenarios disappear but they don't. Part of me wants to call Harlow into my office, and the other wants to send James back to the floor he came from. Part of me, however, realises that desperate isn't cute. I've already poked my fingers into the hot pot of triangle soup, and stirring any further may force the elements to dissolve.

I step back into my office and shut the door. A deep breath should help, but it doesn't. I sit back behind my desk and decide to dive into the pile of documents instead of stressing myself out. Pick your battles, Scar. Pick your fucking battles.


"I think Fox is cute yeah." James giggles. "He's married, though. Always the way."

"Yeah, but look on the bright side. You're surrounded by gorgeous gay men." I point around and make him aware of the world that we currently live in. "Scarlet has a thing for the gays."

He nods suggestively. "Oh I know." He laughs. "She likes to include everyone. She fired a guy for shaming Fox a year ago."

I gasp. "Seriously?"

"Yep." His delicate hands slide another signature to me. "She can be scary when she wants to be. I like her though, she's sweet under that tough exterior."

I furrow my brow and chuckle. "I have only seen it a handful of times." I admit. "Although I realise her potential. Balls of steel if you know what I mean."

"Absolutely." He checks the office for her presence, but still, she remains locked away. "Hey, you fronted the campaign a few weeks ago, right? It was incredible."

I press my lips together and sigh. "Thanks." I try to hide the awkward tone in my voice. "It was unexpected, but I enjoyed it."

"Me and my friends were in pieces. I think Jasper even cried." He explains. "Scarlett really knows how to put on a show. Just a shame she didn't take you on as a model."

"My choice." I laugh. "I'm not a model. I was happy with the one time thing, and anyway, I couldn't hang out with these girls. They're too intimidating for me."

"Yet you fool around with our boss." His brow cocks with envy. "The most intimidating woman in Miami."

I shrug. "I don't get that from her."

"Oh to be in love."

"Oh to be doing your job." Harlow's voice slaps me from behind. "Maria has been waiting for you, James. Hop along." James scurries away with a tiny wave while Harlow joins me at the table. "He's adorable, but he loves to talk."

I'm angry at Harlow, but the tight fitting blouse and pencil thin skirt has me eyeing her from head to toe like a school girl. "He was just helping me sign these documents." I explain, clearing my throat in hopes to set a tone. "It wasn't an issue."

She smiles, a genuine ear to ear beam. "Not your fault, darling. Don't think I was calling you out." She reaches for the spare pen and starts to sign the documents I've been struggling with for hours. "I'm here now, anyway. I can help."

"Right." I mumble, signing my name on the dotted lines over and over. "Thanks."

She side eyes me. "You can always come to me for help, you know."

"Oh I know." I smile back. "I just know how busy you are. I'm also not the type to ask, I'd prefer to muddle through."

"You deserve the hand." She places her palm over my knuckles, stopping me from writing. "You do an amazing job. Give yourself some credit."

The warmth in her tone strikes me. It's becoming harder to hate her in this moment. "I appreciate that." I admit honestly. "Scarlet likes to pile on the tasks."

She sighs. "She's a busy girl. I'd even suggest her handing more off to people, but she won't."

"Too proud." I chuckle, returning to the paper scattered around the table. "She's like me in that sense. She won't admit to needing someone. It's hard."

Harlow scribbles her name quickly. I can tell she's used to the admin. "You're both amazing, regardless. Similar too. You're beautiful just like her." Her eyes meet mine, and a shiver falls down my spine. "Really beautiful."

I blush, looking away instantly. "Thanks." I chuckle awkwardly. "You too."

"I can see why she likes you so much." I breathe a little slower. "You're sweet. I'm also very aware of your little streak."

"My streak?" I glanced up.

She nods, her hot hand meeting my shoulder with a smile I'm sure to resemble a smirk. "Yeah." Her voice lowers. "You have a fiery side. It's dark, but it's sexy too. It draws people in." I swallow hard, my cheeks darkening unintentionally as she leans in to whisper in my ear. "I like it."

My eyes widen, but before I can reply, she's half way across the room. I glance around, hoping that nobody saw until the sound of Scarlet's door closing forces me to panic.

Shit. What just happened.

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now