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A few days pass by with little to no drama. Fox escapes Harlow's war path by a hair, and Scarlet keeps to herself behind her desk. We haven't spent much time together really, I've been too busy and she's been swamped with late night meetings and conference calls.

Today, I'm sure, will be no different. I love that we're talking again, but I'm desperate to rekindle our connection. It seems that the gods want to keep us apart. Fox told me it was a positive thing, distance makes the heart grow fonder and all that crap.

I wonder the hallway that leads to the floor. It's extra noisy today. Fox screams at a photographer, and various models pass phones while half dressed beneath a canopy of silk. It seems chaotic, as if all order has been lost.

I furrow my brow and head for Scarlet's office. Maybe she'll have an explanation. When pushing through the door, however, she's no where to be seen. Even her strong perfume isn't present, which indicates her late arrival.

"Where's Scarlet?" I ask Harlow, desperately clawing through a pile of documents. "She's not in her office and I can't see her bag."

"Oh. You're here." She seems relieved, taking a second to stand away from her desk. "She's sick. Her and Teddy caught some flu type thing. They're knocked for ten."

It feels weird to think of Scarlet at home with a stuffed nose. She's all that is powerful, and naively, I never thought of her as someone that could fall victim to a sickness bug.

"That's not good." I scratch my head and look behind me. "I figured something was different today."

Harlow nods, pushing her fingers back into a folder of documents. "All seems to fall apart when she's not here." She laughs. "I wanted to stay home with her to help with Teddy, but Fox has left this shoot until the very last second. As per usual."


"He's sick, but not as sick as Scarlet." She replies, pushing a lock of hair behind her back. "She can't even get up to make him food."

I furrow my brow and check my watch. "I could swing by and check in?"

Harlow pauses, placing both hands on her desk with a deep breath. "That could work?" She looks up at me while grabbing her phone. "Yeah? I could call you a car and you could just chill for the day?"

I shake my head and chuckle. "Sounds like a day off to me."

She shrugs. "I mean you're her assistant by contract. I'm pretty sure it states that you're on call too." I smile back, folding my arms in hopes it will stop me from blushing. "This counts as on call if you read the terms. It would help me out a lot if I knew all was taken care of."

"What about here?" I ask.

She huffs. "I've got it." Her eyes sparkle, typing furiously into her phone. "I have Adriana Pegg coming over in a few hours to help out."

"Who's that?" I fiddle with the trinkets on her desk, a small pinch of jealousy snapping around my chest.

"She's Scarlet's trusted sponsor over at Legacy. She knows her shit, and she's the only person other than me Scarlet trusts to take over." She explains. "It's a fail safe. If Scarlet can't be here, Adriana will be."

I nod. Taking everything in while secretly musing the idea of nursing Scarlet back to health. "Sounds like you're all covered."

"Pretty much." She smiles, setting down in her chair with a sigh. "Car will be here in ten. Teddy has meds every four hours and needs his temperature checked. He's fussy, don't let him-

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