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Mila didn't realise how much trash could accumulate within only an hour. She must have picked up at least ten coffee cups by now, and the sight of screwed-up napkins dotted around the floor makes her wonder just how long she'll be here.

The variety around her is intriguing. One might assume, given the nature of the modelling world, that the room would be filled with tall, skinny blondes. She is mistaken, however. Fox dresses an array of women, each varying in size and ethnicity. It's refreshing, and despite their unwelcoming nature, Mila can't help but admire Scarlet's hiring ethics.

Speaking of.

A sudden rush of silence falls upon the floor. Mila lifts her gaze, and there she is, Scarlet Ramirez, emerging from within her private office.

A jolt of electricity slashes through her veins as she notices Scarlet's stunning black gown. It hugs her torso, with a large slit between her breasts, and its back gapes down to the bottom of her spine. Toned thighs peek through the front of the long dress, giving a slight hint of the expensive underwear below.

Scarlet moves with power, an elegant yet precise walk that leaves Mila holding a crumpled napkin halfway between the floor and bag. Her heart races, pounding a rhythm against her rib cage as if trying to escape.

In this moment, she realises how instinctively the room orbits around Scarlet. Nobody talks. They only dress themselves and hide their phones in their bras while Scarlet makes her way across the floor.

She is mesmerising.

Her eyes, stern yet sharp, sweep across the room and examine the girls momentarily. Mila finds herself holding her breath. Part of her hopes for Scarlet to notice her, while the other part begs for the opposite. Thankfully, Scarlet moves on, leaving a trail of muttering whispers behind as she disappears into Harlow's office.

"You okay, new girl?" Fox looms over Mila as she resumes her task, his tone laced with concern. "You seem a bit shaken."

"Yeah," Mila stammers, pushing herself to her feet with a genuine smile, smoothing down her skirt. "Sorry, I was just—"

"It's ok," Fox cuts in, his expression reassuring and soft. "She can be pretty intense."

Mila chuckles, nodding as a wave of relief washes over her. "Definitely. The whole room froze when she walked in."

Fox nods in agreement. "The models know better than to step out of line when she's around. Trust me, you do not want to be on her bad side." He shifts the topic bluntly. "Anyway, you'll need to take notes in our meeting about the test shots. Harlow's got some supplies in her office you can use."

"Sure," Mila replies, twisting a strand of her hip-length hair, a nervous habit she hopes will help regain her composure. "When's the meeting?"

"In five minutes, Scarlet's office."

"Scarlet will be there?" Mila's voice trembles slightly. "In the meeting?"

Fox chuckles, his eyes warming with empathy. "Yes, her input is essential. But don't worry," he adds, his tone comforting. "Just stay quiet, note her feedback, and we'll use that to fine-tune the collection."


Mila's POV

Clutching a notepad and pen in front of my stomach, Fox and I walk towards Scarlet's office. I feel uneasy as if I could throw up on the spot at the thought of sitting in the woman's personal space. Harlow's warning to stay off her radar haunts my thoughts, and I'm happy to oblige.

Fox pushes through the door before me, and I'm greeted with the strong but satisfying scent of perfume almost immediately. It's hard not to steal a look at the woman as she denies us the slightest hint of attention. Her hair falls in waves of black, and her thick black lashes hide the green in her memorable eyes.

"Ready when you are", Fox announces casually, as if the woman before us isn't a terrifying picture of authority. "Mila will take notes so we can get on with it." at the mention of my name, Scarlet's gaze snaps up, piercing me with a silent glare that forces me to look down at my heels.

"Zone three needs some work." Her voice stirs within my stomach, the tiny wings of dancing butterflies making my mouth dry as she shuffles some documents on her desk.

Fox nods "I thought so", he agrees. "The colour scheme seems a little vulgar."

Scarlet cocks a brow as she lifts a glass of water against her glossy lips, considering Fox's direct statement, "Soften the pallet, eliminate the trim", she directs ", Ember should know better" Suddenly, her gaze meets my own "I suggest you take notes. This is important."

"Right," I scramble to open the notepad and scribble down the woman's requests with a pounding heart. Fox was right. She is intense.

"Zone six is perfect, just make sure when we send the measurements, they account for the extra girls on set." my hand can barely move fast enough to keep up. "Louisa needs to dilute the numbers a little, but I think driving with ten is good."

"The two-piece", Fox interjects thoughtfully, his fingers scratching his chin. "Should we lower the hip seam? Ember noticed some tension on the bigger size."

Scarlet cocks her head and pouts her lips with a considering gaze. "Take it an inch higher. We don't need any spillages", she decides.

"Yes, ma'am." Fox nods, peeking over my shoulder to check on my rushed handwriting. "Harlow mentioned the run times? Did you want an eta?"

The woman chuckles confidently. "No" she speaks with power. "I expect the test shots to be submitted in the time allocated." I swallow hard, drawing from the sudden anxiety I can feel beside me. "If they're late, I'll be forced to question your competence" Her eyes drift towards me, a mixture of cockiness and genuine dominance. "Underline that."

"Yes, ma'am." I nod, shocked by the words escaping my mouth. I've never called anyone ma'am in my life.

Fox pats the front of his suit down and nods with a smile. "I always look forward to our little chats, Scar."

She rolls her eyes into her computer screen. "Make it happen, Fox" she snarls. "You have a little leach now. I'm sure she can pick up the slack." A subtle eyebrow raise indicates that she's referring to me, and for some reason, I can't help but feel small.

Fox chuckles. "She's doing great so far", He defends. "I'm sure you could share the talent with me."

My chest pauses, but Scarlet shakes her head while reading from her screen. "Hilarious"

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now