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A pair of striking green eyes meticulously address an ocean of documents below with a black ballpoint pen and an air of trained professionalism. The woman in control sits with a straight back and poised expression, the air in the room subdued as she slices her signature across the bottom of each page.

She refuses to look at the time. It's seen only as a constraint. With a hardened work ethic, Scarlet claims every second as if it's her last, and when the city below her darkens, her busy hands refuse to sleep in unison with her empire.

A small but intentional knock pounds against her closed door. Behind, Harlow enters with an earned confidence. "Afternoon," she smirks, folding her arms into her chest. "I have a visitor waiting outside who wants to speak with you."

Scarlet rolls her eyes towards Harlow with a cocked brow. "You didn't tell me I had a meeting today."

The spirited woman chuckles. "You didn't," she confirms with a sigh. "This is more of a walk-in."

Scarlet lifts her head and sets the pen down against the desk with a concerned gaze. "I don't have time for a walk-in, Harlow," she scolds. "I have a runway in less than a week. I need to sign everything off."

Harlow shrugs, "I'm sure it will only take a second or two," she explains. "I'll send her in."

Scarlet shakes her head and sits tall, her manicured fingertips clasping together in anticipation of her new and unwanted guest. Soon enough, the familiar face emerges from behind the door with an uneasy.

"Hi," hums Mila calmly. "Thanks for seeing me again."

Scarlet widens her eyes only slightly and looks the girl up and down. "Why are you here?" Her question is direct, but that doesn't stop Mila from walking further into the room.

"I wanted to talk to you," she trembles, far more conscious of the woman's power than yesterday. "I think you made a mistake."

Scarlet sits back with a cold stare. "I don't make mistakes, Mila James," Mila inhales sharply, unsure of how the woman could have remembered her name. "I'm sure you're a nice girl, but I will inform you that this little visit is highly inappropriate."

"It's called determination."

"It's called breaking and entering!" Scarlet snaps back with a bite. "My team knows not to allow anyone without a meeting into this building, so I'm guessing you pushed through a crowd and snuck in here?" The girl's cheeks darken. "Unfortunately, Harlow is a bit of a pushover too, and I'm sure you convinced her that seeing me today was a case of life and death. Am I correct?"

Mila stumbles, looking at the wall with a lump in her throat that she cannot swallow. "Correct"

"Perfect," Scarlet rasps. "I suggest you leave here with a little more grace than you came in with. I admire the courage, but I meant what I said yesterday. You're not the kind of person I'm looking for."

"No" Mila jerks


"No!" The girl steps forward. "I get it. I don't have any experience, and I have no clue about the fashion industry. But you will never find someone who will work as hard as I will!" Mila raises her tone and looks Scarlet directly in the eye. "I have a little sister at school right now who doesn't know I can't afford to buy her the puppy palace she wants for Christmas! She looks up to me, and I am trying to make a better life for us, so please! Just give me a chance to prove I can do whatever you want!"

Scarlet raises her brows and unfolds her fingers to readjust her hip-length waterfall of black hair before sighing harshly. "I need you to understand something," she begins, glancing around her office with an air of sophistication. "This company made over a billion dollars this quarter, and thanks to my team, we're on track to do the same, if not more, in the coming months," Mila remains to listen. "To keep up with the demand, I need someone able to stand in and take the load off."

"I can do that!" Mila jumps in

"No," the elder laughs. "You can't. You don't have the knowledge nor experience," the air filters from the room, and Mila struggles to breathe. "I need someone who can finish the things I need to walk away from. Portfolio building, sponsor bonding, advertisement signing and more. Respectfully, you have never trained a day in your life for a position as heavy as this, and if I were as cruel as to place you here based on a chance of passion, you'd drown far quicker than you'd be able to ask for help."

Mila lowers her head and blinks heavily. "I get it," she announces, fidgeting with her fingers awkwardly. "I'm sorry for wasting your time."

Scarlet lifts her chin and wets her lips, watching the girl's energy drain like a pulled plug. "I'd advise you stay away from the whole ambushing thing, too," she warns. "It may seem noble and heroic, but setting your expectations a little lower may lighten your chances of success."

Mila looks up. "Worth a shot, right?"

Scarlet clears her throat with a stern expression. "I'm a busy woman. I'm sure you can see yourself out."

The girl nods before turning towards the door. "Right." she leaves soon after, walking past Harlow, who stood listening to the entire exchange.

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now