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Thank you for waiting around for me. It means the world. I hope you enjoy this chapter. 

Also, what story plot would you like to see in my next book?



Turning up late and sleeping with the boss just so happens to be top on the list of the worst work place misconducts you can commit. So far this morning, I have managed to commit both.

Scarlet woke up at around five, kissing my neck and stroking my hip. I couldn't resist the early morning invitation. She licked and sucked at my skin while using her fingers to bring me to yet another mind-blowing orgasm. I barely noticed her fresh complexion, the darkness of her room not allowing me to see her makeup-free eyes and lips.

I fell asleep shortly after the exchange, and with a small note on the pillow that read 'Don't be late' with a tiny heart, I sure as hell panicked when looking at the time. Surely she can't be angry with me. Technically, it's partially her fault that I needed the extra rest. I didn't mean to stay over, either. It just happened. One minute, we were in the throws of pleasure, and the next, I was melting into her memory foam mattress with the fresh-scented cover pulled up to my chin.

I made sure to get ready and leave her bed as neat as I had found it last night before scurrying toward the building I now call home. It's my first day working for Scarlet directly, and if I piss her off before stepping foot in her office, I can count my pretty wage goodbye.

Heading toward the elevator, I check my phone and sigh. I'm exactly forty-five minutes late. Granted, I took my time in her expensive shower. The hot jets of water crashing into my skin made me feel like more than a new woman. I could get used to being in Scarlet's home.

Finally, the elevator doors opens, and the familiar chatter of voices comfort me only briefly. I forgot to factor in the international fame I didn't ask for, and when I walk further onto the floor, I can tell I am somehow even more unpopular than before.

"I'd keep it moving if I were you." Fox catches my elbow and links our arms. "You're the talk of the town right now.

I laugh. "Not my fault."

"I know, but it is your responsibility now." He winks, but I can tell he feels slightly guilty. "Good to have you back kiddo. I'm glad she was able to persuade you."

I blush slightly. "She's very good with words."

He cocks a brow, pausing just outside of Scarlet's office. "I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe you being here is a product of her words alone."

"They helped," I giggle, glancing down at the time. "So did the other bits, but she is convincing."

"Dusgusting," He smirks, letting go of my arm to hand over a large black folder. "Please give this to her majesty. We're not on talking terms right now, so I'm gonna need you to be a good little messenger and tell her I'm done with the campaign prompts."

"You're not talking?"

"Long story," He taps the folder in my hand and smiles. "You're already late. Move."

I'm yet to get used to Fox's brass personality, but I'm aware that my arrival time doesn't exactly fit in with the standards of Ramirez HQ. I take a deep breath and reach For Scarlet's door. It's strange to think I'm nervous right now. After this morning, I should feel superior and smug. I don't. I feel small and under a rather large microscope.

I push open the door with a smile, clearing my throat to alert Scarlet to my arrival. She looks up and me and cocks a brow, her bright eyes and stunning face of makeup further enhansing my inferiority.

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