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I want nothing more than to torture her. She looks so pretty and patient below me, yet a hint of anxiety swells in my veins when she wets her lower lip. I don't want to let jealousy take the reins, but the thought of Harlow being in this position haunts me more than I'd like to admit.

I bend to kiss her neck and take pride in the whimpers that leave her lips. She squirms delightfully, pushing her stomach up into mine as if hoping to be closer. I allow it, moving my body to kneel between her thighs. Immediately she breathes deeper, overwhelmed by our proximity as if not the most powerful woman alive.

I ignore her status. It only intimidates me. Not that I mind it most of the time, but right now, I need her to be under my control. I push down into her pulse point and breathe heavily beside her ear. She grumbles and groans. She even lifts her hands above her head while tilting her neck for more attention.

"Now I can see who you really are." I nudge her earlobe with my nose and chuckle. "Princess Scarlet."

She shivers. "I never denied being a princess." Her throat squeezes the words with a whimper. "You just didn't bother to ask."

"Strange question right?" I mock her gently, but she huffs back with a bratty groan.

Seconds pass before I return to the spot just below her ear. It feels incredible to capture her in this moment. It's as if it has happened before, and both of us are aware of where it's about to go.

I nip gently at her neck, pressing my hips down into her core with a delicious moan greeting me in response. I'm almost tempted to do it again, but when her hands fall to meet my lower back, I realise she's far less patient than I'd first thought.

"What do you want?" I husk into her ear. She stutters, slowing her breath with a fragile murmur. "Tell me. I'll give you whatever you need, for as long as you want it."

I drag my words out enough to elicit a struggle. "I don't know." She jerks desperately. "Anything."

"Tell me?"

She groans frustratedly, digging her nails into my lower back. "Fuck, James."

"Tell me, Scarlet." She turns her head to the side and takes a deep breath. I can tell she's losing control. "I didn't peg you as indecisive."

"I'm not."

I reach for her throat and pull her eyes to meet mine above. "Make a decision then."

Her eyes glitter with need, and the pace of her chest has me wondering how much longer she'll be able to stand not being touched. I'm adamant not to give in.

She looks down between our bodies and swallows hard before returning to study my lips. Her dazed expression tells me everything I need to know as we lay here on her expensive couch.

"Show me how good this pretty mouth is." Her fingertip reaches to touch my lower lip. "That's what I want."

"Good choice." I wink and sit up onto my knees. Her eyes follow me. "Your wish is my command."

A small smile tugs at the corners of her lips.

I push my hands down onto her stomach and lift her shirt slightly. She watches as I bend down to kiss the area above her shorts. Slow, sensual kisses distract her senses while I pull at the fabric around her waist, discarding it behind me with an impatient groan.

This moment doesn't feel real. Those eyes, that hair, this woman. I take my time to kiss her stomach and hips, worshiping her as if a god while she scratches near lines into the top of her thighs.

I drag the moment out more, pressing hot kisses down toward her centre but not close enough to elicit any pleasure. She's crumbling, slowly but surely her breath begins to labour, and I find myself looking down at the area I've only fantasised about getting to touch.

My palms meet with her inner thighs and widen them to my liking. She lets me, moving with my hands while making sure not to look away for even a second.

"You look so pretty right now." I glance up and watch her squirm before placing a slow kiss over her clit. She parts her lips and sighs. "So fucking pretty."

Not even a second passes before I lay my flat tongue against her bundle of nerves, dragging it through her folds with a hearty moan. She too responds with noise, allowing a throaty groan to exit her mouth with no care to the volume.

I hit every spot with precision, flicking and sucking her clit as if trying to plead a case of superiority. Her hand makes its way into my hair and tugs furious whenever I lock onto a winning technique. She likes everything, but she loves when I push my tongue into her with a back and forth stroke strong enough to make her legs shake.

She grips my hair like a vice, whimpering into the room with closed eyes and furrowed brows. Her moans are better than I could ever have imagined. Deep, raspy chants so elusive and inconsistent I'm barely able to breathe.

I up the mark and spread her thighs further, digging deeper and sucking harder. She starts to jerk against my mouth, stumbling over mumbled swear words and the occasional use of my name.

I know she's at her limit when her back arches from the couch and her hips thrust toward me. I make sure to keep at the pace and give her exactly what she needs. Just before she reaches her climax, however, I push two fingers deep into her core and curl up to meet the killer spot of ecstasy.

She almost yells when I thrust into her, sucking every inch of life from the nearly limp body below. It only takes a minute or so more for her to fall over the edge, squirming and gasping until the waves of pleasure overwhelm her.

"Shit." Her hands fall beside her thighs, her back returning to its original position. "What the fuck, James."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now