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Harlow likes to tell me I move too fast. I make snap decisions and often choose not to plan ahead. Asking Mila to move in, however, was more than a calculated question. It makes sense, and being with her makes me and Teddy happy. It's a win for everyone included, not to mention the progression of my new and hopefully long standing relationship.

"Looking good, Scar." Harlow enters the office with a coffee that she places on my desk. "Feeling better?"

I nod with a smile. "Much better." I reply. "Me and Mila had a beach day with the kids yesterday. It was nice."

She quirks her brow. "Did you ask her?"

"She said yes." I smirk, twisting the nib of my pen into the desk. "She was over the moon."

"Rightfully so." She sniggers. "It's a great deal. Living with you in that place is more than an upgrade."

I roll my eyes playfully. "It has nothing to do with the upgrade." I clarify. "It's a step up in our relationship, Harlow."

"I know." She winks. "It's amazing to see things work out. You deserve some peace." My eyes drift to my phone, an unknown number calls me, and I press decline almost immediately. "Who was that?"

I swallow hard. "Nobody." My jaw tenses. "Don't worry about it. I just have a lot to do today."

She looks at me curiously, but she moves on just as I had anticipated and shoves a file into my view. "Lake settled and handed over his entire portfolio. It took a little nudging here and there, but he's better off this way. Now, you can stop worrying."

"Jesus, Harlow?" I gasp, turning the pages of the document below me. "In two days?"

She nods with a beaming white smile. "You have some lovely lawyers."

I chuckle. "I pay them enough."

"Good." She points. "They're worth it."

Again, my phone lights up. "Shit." I shove my index finger into the decline button and slam my phone down with the screen facing down. "Sorry."

"Scarlet?" She strides toward me, picking up my phone and snatching into her grasp. "Who is this?"

"Nobody." I growl, standing from my desk. "Come on, give it back."

She pulls it away. "You look upset." Her brow lifts. "I need to know."

"Harlow." I tense my jaw. "It's nobody."

"Then why did you slam your phone on the desk?"

I shake my head and slump back into the seat. "Will you leave it?" I beg. "I don't have the energy right now."

Right on cue, Mila finds herself in my office, her pretty long hair and chocolate eyes smiling as she walks toward us. "Everything ok?" She asks hesitantly, reading the tone of the room.

"Yes." Harlow interjects. "I was giving your new girlfriend a grilling for being late." She looks at me subtly and winks. "The floor is yours." Harlow hands back my phone and leaves.

"You got here before me?" Mila chuckles. "Is she serious?"

I shrug, painting my face back to its usual shape. "I missed briefing." I nod. "She's very particular about our handover."

"Right." She sighs, walking behind the desk to lean in for a small kiss. "Good morning."

"Morning." A genuine smile returns to my face, and I reach to grab her fingertips between my own, pulling her onto my lap. "I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye. I was rushing around and lost my keys."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now