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"I have no idea how his lighter got into my bag, Jenna!" Coco argues, flailing her arms while Jenna, another model shakes her head. "I was drunk, so were you. Remember?"

Jenna storms forward and grabs coco's bag with a tortured rage. "I saw you with him!" She growls. "You were all over him while I spoke with Julia!"

"You're so full of shit!"

"Easy!" Fox interjects. "It's eight in the morning, do we really have to do this right now?"

"She's calling me a liar!" Coco snaps. "The woman who told everyone her boyfriend was in the NFL!"

"He was!" Jenna retaliates, pushing past Fox with a darkening tone. "You just couldn't help yourself, could you?" She laughs, and my eyes drift to Harlow now peering out of her office. "You've been eyeing him for weeks!"

Fox places his hand on Jenna's chest and looks desperately between them. "Guys!" He yells. "This is not the environment to be screaming at each other. If you want to talk, go and do it outside!"

"I have a boyfriend!" Coco snarls. "What would I want with your rickety hockey player?"

"What did you just call him?"

The tension ignites like a licking flame, burning at an intensity that has the entire floor pausing to listen. I gulp, unable to pull my hands from my models garment.

"Rickety!" Coco pronounces firmly. "He smokes weed and eats chicken nuggets like a kid! I guess that's why he likes you."

Jenna clamps her jaw, and her expressions screws tightly before attempting to lunge at Coco in retaliation. Before her hands meet with her throat, however, Scarlet emerges from hallway and storms toward her. She's wearing a skin tight suit ensemble and a pair of tall black heels. Her hair tumbles over her shoulder in waves, a silky length of sweet smelling locks that leave my jaw ajar.

She never wears suits.

She has gone to quite the lengths to hide her battle wounds from last night, but as requested, she has left the dark mark on her neck visible and proud. I smirk, my eyes widening at the sight of her curvy hips sporting a pair of fitted black pants that cuff at the ankles.

She grabs Jenna by the collar of her shirt and drags her away from the conflict, pressing her into the wall with the palm of her hand before looking back out at Fox now holding Coco securely.

The floor is silent, all fixed on Scarlet and her ready to explode expression.

"What the fuck is going on!" Scarlet snaps, her eyes darkening with anger. Coco looks down at the floor, while Jenna bites her lip and shakes her head at the ceiling. "Somebody explain, NOW!"

"They were arguing over a boy." Fox clarifies.

Scarlet widens her eyes and looks between the girls with a gasp. "A boy?" She questions. "A fucking boy? Seriously?"

Nobody dares to speak.

"So while I'm out of office dealing with my kids, who might I say have more control over their emotions than the two of you. You guys are up in here throwing hands and disturbing my team?"

"She came at me first-

"Shut your fucking mouth!" My stomach fills with butterflies, the rasp in her tone so sexy I can barely breathe. Part of me is smug. Maybe if I'd have let her cum last night, she may have handled this in a calmer manner. "Honestly, this is embarrassing. To think I cut you checks just to stand here and be disrespectful in my company! Go home, both of you."

Scarlet drops Jenna's shirt and storms toward her office. "Wait!" She calls. "You can't send us home? We're fronting the campaign?"

Scarlet pauses, turning slowly on her heels. "You're fronting?" She asks calmly, her eyes scanning to meet me across the room. I nod awkwardly, shivering when her lips pout in thought. "Not anymore." She states bluntly. "Consider yourself replaced."

"By who?" Coco scoffs.

Scarlet shrugs cockily. "Whoever the boss decides." Her eyes meet mine briefly before scanning the room with a sigh. "Not my campaign baby, but best believe, you cause me an issue, I'll send your pretty ass packing. Now go. I'm sick of looking at you."

"Fuck you!"

Scarlet looks across to Jenna and cocks her brow with a sharp expression. "Excuse me?"

Jenna swallows. "I said, fuck you!"


SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now