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Scarlet erupts through the elevator and pounds the marble floor that leads to her office. She looks at nobody, her gaze fixed on the glass doors in front. Harlow glances up from her desk, the sound of sharp heels passing her violently.

She stands from her desk and peers through the doorway. "Fuck." Without thinking about it, she follows, pushing through the door with a concerned expression. "Scar? You okay?"

Scarlet slams her phone onto her desk and signs into her computer. "Amazing."

Harlow furrows her brows. "No." Her laugh is subtle yet concerned. "You're not."

Scarlet looks up through her lashes and sighs deeply, her fingers pausing over the keys of her keyboard. "I am fine." She reiterates.

"Did something happen?"

"No." Scarlet returns to her computer. "That's the problem."

"Care to elaborate?"

She shakes her head and huffs. "Leave it. I have a busy day today. I don't need the interrogation."

Harlow steps forward and folds her arms. "Right. So I'm expected to work with princess hot head today?"

Scarlet leans back in her chair, her palms gripping the arms with force. "Harlow."

"Scarlet." She laughs. "Let me in. I'm just trying to figure you out. Did I piss you off?"

"No." She confirms. "But I will say, your little plan to intertwine me and Mila caused me more stress than good."

"Perfect." Harlow mocks. "It worked."

"You're one twisted bitch." Scarlet rolls her eyes and returns to her screen. "I could have killed you."

The fiery woman in front shrugs, incapable of showing her boss any type of vulnerability. "If that's what it would have taken, fine."

"You could have just spoken to me."

Harlow chuckles. "Likewise. If you'd have told me what was going on instead of retracting from us, we could have fixed this days ago."

"I was scared."

"So you keep saying." Harlow clarifies. "It doesn't matter anyway. It worked. You and Mila have settled your differences and I'm now interviewing that pretty thing in her backpack."

Scarlet huffs, leaning back for a second time. "I want to strangle Mila right now."

"Jesus." Harlow grunts. "What did you do now?"

"Nothing!" The elder snaps. "It's what Mila didn't do."

"Help me out here."

Scarlet covers her eyes and takes a deep breath. "I'm not discussing this."

"Oh yes you are." Harlow slams her palm on the desk, forcing Scarlet to glance up with a clamped jaw. "I did not risk you burying me under a parking lot just for you to turn around and cut me out."

"It's not important."

"Try me."

Scarlet pauses, looking across to the wall with a pondering eye. She sighs, folding one leg over the other while wetting her lower lip. Before she is able to respond, however, Mila pushes through the door and enters the office with a beaming smile.

"Good morning." She waves, directing her satisfied smirk to Harlow now looking back for Scarlet's reaction. "Am I interrupting?"

"No." Harlow walks backwards, patting Mila on the shoulder. "You're actually right on time. Scarlet needs cheering up. Whatever you did last night has her in the world's foulest mood."

Mila quirks her brow, watching the elder leave before turning to Scarlet with a soft, innocent smile. "Not feeling good today?"

Scarlet tightens her jaw, averting her gaze to the computer beside. "I've been better."

Mila strides toward the desk, inviting herself behind to gently caress the exposed shoulders seated below. Scarlet sits taller, a wave of goosebumps trickling down her arms. "That's a shame." She teases, tucking a piece of hair behind the woman's shoulder. "I miss your smile."

Scarlet looks back to Mila and scowls. "You're the one who decided to cut last night short." She grumbles. "I get you had a point to prove, but that was cruel."

Mila reaches for Scarlet's jaw from behind and pulls her head back with a snap, her palm gripping the middle of her throat with a smirk. "The only joke here is your attitude." She snarls seductively. "I did what I did. Get over it, Scarlet."

"Do you hate me or something?" She asks with a mixture of spite and desperation. "Is this just some crazy punishment that's never going to end?"

"So dramatic." Mila laughs. Gripping the woman's throat tighter. "It was one night. You'll live. And hey, if you're nice to me, I may just fix that little problem you have."

Scarlet clears her throat when Mila releases her, walking toward the other side of her desk with a smug smile. "I feel like all of this is a little unnecessary."

"Hey." The younger chuckles. "You may be used to getting your own way, but with me, you're going to have to learn how to handle a little push back."

"Since when do you push back?"

Mila shrugs. "Since you decided to push me." She explains. "Clearly, the power needs to be removed and redistributed. Providing you still want this?"

Scarlet nods. "Apparently I do." She smiles softly, forcing herself to take the pill and swallow. "That's what got me into this situation in the first place."


I can tell she wants to throttle me right now. Her eyes lay over me and examine me, hoping I'll say something that lets her know I'm only holding out until she proves that she can give herself to me. It's fun. Watching her squirm and lose control behind her big girl desk.

"I'm playing around. I want to resolve your situation, but I stand by what I said." I add. "You can be scared, worried, apprehensive. But just know, I need you to be upfront more than anything."

She nods. "Yep." Her awkward sigh reminds me that neither of us have done this before. "I'm trying."

"Tell me something." I lean against the desk and watch her eyes widen. "Go on. Be upfront and tell me what's on your mind."

She stammers, flexing her fingers. "I don't know?"


Her eyes scan the room, searching for an answer. "I guess I'm worried you're going to hold a grudge." She admits, lifting her eyes slightly. "You know, given the circumstances."

I smile back. "I won't." Her posture softens. "I just need to know that we're on the same page." I wink. "Anyway. Enjoy your day, Fox commissioned me to organise his collection."

She furrows her brow. "You're my assistant?"

"I think you need some alone time."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now