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Scarlet and Mila made history last night.

Yes, it was uncomfortable, and yes, it took more than one client by surprise, but, in true Ramirez fashion, it dominated the global charts and generated an obscene amount of revenue in less than two hours of publication.

The girls returned home after a long night spent partying, their exhausted frames slumping into bed with not another word said about the two weeks from hell. Mila has not forgotten, however, as she pushes through the elevator doors and makes her way back onto the restricted floor.

She catches up with Fox and has it out with Harlow, warning all that she has returned and is not to be messed with. Of course, there is tension in the air, but Mila is almost used to that by now. Her air of silence is taunting to the models around her. In the past few years, they have learned not to rumble against the woman and her expensive family. The consequences far from something to behold.

Some are soon to learn this lesson.

Hunter makes the walk of shame toward Scarlet's office alongside a few lawyers and a handful of assistants. The mumbling 'boo' that follows only highlights the loyalty held against Mila, and when he closes the door with a slam, the floor erupts with laughter.

He clears his throat, disturbing the peaceful empress now lifting her lashes to peer at the man with a small sigh. She places her pen down gently and lifts her chin, her shoulder blades pulled back with a slight smile. Shes ready, and has been waiting for this moment for over a week.

"Sit." She demands, her eyes directing him to the seat in front of her desk. He swallows hard, slamming his brief case beside his leather shoes. "You asked to meet with me?"

Hunter uses the pad of his thumb to wipe at the corner of his lip. "I'm hoping you'll explain to me what in the fuck is going on?" He grunts. "We had a deal."

She nods confidently. "We did." Her wink is sadistic and generous with spite. "Sadly, you were unable to hold up your end of the bargain."

"I published the headlines because you put on that stupid little show!" He leans forward in his seat, his calloused hands gripping the arms violently. "That wasn't a part of the deal!"

"We never discussed me publishing the headlines?" Scarlet asks sarcastically. "The negotiation was strictly aimed at you and your publishing team. You surely understand the concept of a contract, don't you, Hunter?"

"You breached the agreement." He furrows his brow and huffs. "You set me up with a loyalty pay-date just to avoid paying me."

She chuckles, glancing around the room while Hunter watches her like a hawk. "My campaign was set to launch in one week, six days, and so, I decided to pay you on the two week mark." She explains. "I'd test your loyalty and watch the launch unfold. It was a win-win really. If you did succumb to the excitement and press publish, my campaign would have made you look like a marketing strategy."

Her sickly sweet smile makes Hunter furious.

"You will pay for this!"

"Yeah?" Scarlet lifts from her seat and rounds the table, not an ounce of fear being the only member of her team to be present against the army in front. "I will now, will I? How? What could you possibly do?"

He grips the arms of the chair harder, as if restrained on the spot by Scarlet's allure. "I'll make sure the media know how corrupt you are!" He jabs. "I'll tell them how you like to manipulate investors and make them work in favour of your company!"

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now