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I'm late.

This morning, Maisie clung to me with a stubbornness that no bribe could break. She managed to eat into my morning by thirty minutes before letting me go.

Fox must have called me over a thousand times. He told me that being late would go against my probation review despite it being a childcare issue. I assured him it wouldn't happen again, but Maisie's attachment issues may force me to break my promise.

I rush towards the sky-high jungle with burning thighs and an unhealthy stitch in my side before noticing the entrance to be jammed with paparazzi. I wrinkle my brow and approach the sidewalk with a confused stare when spotting a stupidly expensive matte black sports car sitting outside, a driver now jumping in the seat to move it from the road.

Then I see Scarlet halfway up the stairs.

Heavy cameras snap like popping candy, and the woman refuses to pause for a photo. I feel naive and uneducated. Her fame was unknown to me before this moment, despite having heard her name on social media and TV. It's strange to think that last night, she was the one taking pictures of me.

I hurry behind her, the crowd of cameras closing in with an alarming speed that I'm determined not to be caught within. Thankfully, we make it inside without an injury and head towards the elevators. She doesn't know I'm behind her, and I refuse to make myself known due to a spike of anxiety.

"Ma'am", a well-dressed man nods with respect. "It's Good to see you!"

Scarlet responds with a barely perceptible nod of her own before stepping into the elevator. I step beside her, the only person daring enough to share a space with her. She looks across with only her eyes and screws her brows. "You're late" she states clearly. "You start at eight."

I nod, wrapping my fingers around the straps of my backpack. "My little sister didn't want to go to school today", I stammer with a pain in my stomach. "She's a little needy right now. I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

I look across at her, but she contains her gaze on the doors in front with an emotionless stare until we get to the top floor. She steps out with a dominant strut, my chest twisting in knots at her lack of response.

My heart sinks a little more with each step she takes. I'm barely into my third day on the job I fought so hard for, and already, I'm causing problems. Scarlet's reaction, or lack thereof, only intensifies my worry.

As I step out of the elevator, I watch her thick black hair pounding across the floor, and with a deep breath, I muster the courage to move forward.

Fox notices me from across the floor and clicks his fingers above his head. "Mila, I need your help!" He yells, jerking me to dump my bag and head towards an uncomfortable-looking mishap. "Help me take this off."

I step in and help untangle a piece of metallic fabric from a girl's hair, a small gasp of pain eliciting a flutter of laughter across the floor. "Jesus, new girl! What, you wanna rip my hair out?"

"I'm sorry", I stumble, looking to Fox for reassurance, but his hands remain busy trying to free the fabric

"This weave costs more than your entire wardrobe, be careful!" She snaps, "God!"

"I said I'm sorry?" I retaliate, "I'm just trying to help?"

"Well, don't." she pulls away from the both of us and shakes her head. "Where's Ember?"

Fox rolls his eyes and waves dismissively. "Leave her" he reassures, motioning me to follow him towards a large stack of boxes beside the window. "If you could fold these shirts and place them back in size order, that would be great", he smiles. "We have a campaign leading up to August and need them organised for shipment."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now