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Anger unravels me. I breathe deeply and look at myself in the mirror after leaving Scarlet's office. It hurts to think she would see me differently for something I did over ten years ago. For choosing to put my family first and do something to aid their wellbeing.

I wonder now. Would she have perused me, knowing what I had done? Or would she have turned away and chosen someone else. Scarlet is incredible. She loves for love and sees no difference between people other than their attitude. But now, I'm not so sure that's the case. She's judging me, shedding light on the small details of my past only to try and cover them up.

I take a deep breath and reapply my lip gloss. It takes me a few seconds to step back and be happy with my appearance. I'm not even sure what to do with myself. I was supposed to have a meeting with Scarlet and the design team, but I'm already twenty minutes late.

I walk out of the bathroom with my head low, jumping with a screech when walking into a tall man in a tight suit. "Sorry." I push his documents back into order behind his arm and chuckle. "In my own world."

"No problem." He smiles. "It's a beautiful building you have, Mrs Ramirez." Right. I forget people only know me as Ramirez now. "My guide gave me a great tour. I seem to have gotten myself lost, however."

"It's a big place." I nod. "Where are you trying to go?"

He scrambles for a note that he unfolds from his pocket. "Harlow." He suggests. "We're discussing the possibility of a future relationship." I give him a curious side eye. "For the supply team."

"Oh." I chuckle. "Got you. Follow me, I'll take you to her office."

"Thanks." His smile is smug, and for some reason, I feel uneasy in his presence. "It's strange, you'd think I'd know this place by now."

"Oh yeah?"

He nods. "Used to visit back in the day when Rio Networking set up here. Dreadful company. I'm glad the architecture is in safe hands now."

"I'm sorry." I pause. "What did you say your name was?"

"Leon." He extends his palm. "Leon Cohen. Supply outreach manager. I offer reduced rates on the market you work with. Detail fabrics?"

"We have a great deal already?" I query. "Harlow wanted more?"

He shrugs, pulling out his phone to show me an email that doesn't load. "Damn." He laughs awkwardly. "I must have been sent a corrupt file. Still, Harlow mentioned a change of heart. I applaud her really. Takes guts to cut the money further."

"Strange. Harlow has had a relationship with our current supplier for years?" He grips his documents harder. "We've never had an issue, and excuse me for being bold, but we have more than enough budget."

"I'd say the logistics are best left out of your hair, ma'am." He smirks. "You're quite the busy woman, I have heard."


"Well." He clears his throat. "You're the wife of a global name. It must be a lot of work."

"I'm more than her wife." I correct, calling for an elevator. "I'm head of design."

"Self appointed, I suppose?"

My palms begin to clam, and I can feel my heart rate quickening with spite. "I'm more than qualified, Leon. I wouldn't expect you to know that. Scarlet prefers to keep it in the family."

He chuckles, scuffing the side of his beard. "It's always good to give your loved ones a chance."

"A chance?" I scoff, exiting the elevator that drove us all the way to the top floor now busy with models and various interns. "What are you insinuating?"

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now