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This is a very special chapter to me so please comment throughout. 🤍

Harlow rushes to grab the note, unfolding it while looking back at me frantically. "Mila, take him." I scramble toward her and carefully pick the small boy up and onto my chest. He's cold, quiet, and painfully cute. I rock him gently, rubbing his tiny back while Harlow clears her throat to read the note.

"To my beautiful girl,

I know that I'm a screw up. I never intended to be, but I am. I'm a coward, and a liar. I don't deserve you, and you don't deserve me. I wanted to speak with you in person and tell you many things that have been on my mind, but I can't seem to find the courage. When I saw you in your fancy office, with your friends, and your colleagues, I knew you didn't need me. I knew you didn't want me. I understand. I was never the mother you wanted, and I don't think I will ever be the mother you need. I am forever thankful that you were able to step up and be a mother to my boy. He must be so big now, and I can't imagine how much you and him are alike. Good job, sweetheart.

I also wanted to tell you about River, your new little brother. He's ten weeks old and is healthy. I tried, darling, I did, but I just can't do it. I should have been more careful but I wasn't. I was careless, and now here he is, a part of this world with no hope without his sister. Without his brother. I know how much you must hate me right now, but I beg you. Please. Give him the life he deserves. Give him the love that he needs and spoil him as you do Teddy.

I am using this letter to officially express my wish to hand over all parental rights for River Ramirez to my daughter, Scarlet Ramirez.

I love you darling,


I don't realise the tears that stream down my cheeks until she finishes, screwing the note into a tight ball before closing the front door and sinking down to pull Scarlet into her arms. She too cries, as does Fox now stood frozen on the spot.

"It's ok." Harlow whispers, holding Scarlet's head against her shoulder. "It's going to be ok."

Scarlet doesn't speak, she sobs uncontrollably, unable to look up at the baby now stirring in my arms. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to feel.

"Fo-Fox. Call my mom and tell her to come right now." Harlow stammers, her makeup withstanding the tears running onto her shirt. "Tell her it's urgent."

Fox scrambles to find her bag and makes the call in an adjacent hallway. His voice is weak and fragile, broken as if ready to disappear. I look back at Harlow, her eyes red and swollen. "Take him in the lounge, just give us a minute."

I nod and make my way toward the couch. I sit down gently, pulling River from my chest and unraveling the grubby blanket that holds him. He's wearing a white and blue onesie, the size far too big for his tiny body. Thankfully, he looks healthy, his skin a blush pink and his hair jet black like his siblings.

"You're ok, baby." I stroke his forehead and smile. "I promise."

He squirms, stirring gently with a small stretch. "I'm in shock." Fox announces, joining me in the lounge. He kneels beside me and looks on at River intensely. "I don't understand."

"I think I do." I sigh. "She's done it before. We shouldn't underestimate her ability to do it again."

Fox pushes his finger into Rivers hand and smiles when he squeezes it softly. "He looks just like Teddy did when he was born." He states. "Same size and everything."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now