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I am SO sorry for the long wait. Scarlet REALLY struggled to find a babysitter last minute so blame her not me.


Scarlet Ramirez

Hookups do not belong to the heartless.

Sex is sex, and no matter who you choose to involve yourself with, the consent of pleasure is only the start of something far more beautiful and intricate. Biologically, we search for pleasure in everything. The human desperation for dopamine is now packed into tiny little pills that we place under our tongues.


True pleasure comes from that of our peers. Whatever your preference, whatever your desire, you will find ecstasy far more potent than any drug within those who catch your eye. Take Mila, for example. Her innocent yet desperate demeanour does things to me no lick of liquor will ever be able to match.

She has the sweetest melody in her delicate voice, and no matter how many times I try to tune her out, those gorgeous waves of laughter still peek through my door in moments of silence. I thank Fox for every giggle that escapes those plump pink lips. Only he can come out with things ridiculous enough for her to find amusing.

Despite finding her cute, the overbearing pool of desire that fills my stomach whenever I look at her still taints my vision of professionalism. I'm aware that offering her a job sitting opposite me challenges my morals. Still, I deserve a pretty muse after the years spent screaming at Fox to do something other than bitch.

Mila is intelligent. I like that.

I swipe the corner of my lip with my thumb, erasing the slim slither of lipgloss that ran over the line of my lower lip before stepping back with a pout. I took the hint on the hoodie. I never imagined someone finding a baggy piece of clothing more attractive than a silky hand-sewn gown, but here we are.

At the mercy of Mila's preference, a pair of black booty shorts hold my hips. I don't dress for anyone other than myself, but thinking realistically, I'd rather please her visually than force her imagination to wander over last night's mishap.

Teddy pressed the kill switch on our moment of weakness, and despite loving him with every inch of my heart, I could have done without the sharp stop. I don't like to be kept waiting, even if that waiting is forced upon me by a bruised forehead.

Thankfully, however, the wait is over.

I make my way toward the front door, the sound of knocking igniting a wave of adrenaline in my veins. I don't hesitate to pull it open, revealing Mila standing with her signature short skirt and skin-tight white crop top. I look her up and down hungrily, biting my lower lip while stepping back to let her in.

She steps beside me and flips her long hair over her shoulder. "That was quick?" She smirks, handing me her jacket "Eager?"

I chuckle back, folding the garment beside her bag. "I can't deny that," I wink, watching her pretty cheeks darken. "Unresolved would be the better word, though."

"Agreed." She smiles, looking down at her feet before scanning my choice of outfit. "You look really good."

I cock my head and smirk "I know." Her eyes dart up to meet my gaze in shock. "This get-up took me hours to put together."

"What, you got lost in the hoodie department?"

"Hilarious," I tease. "Come on, I'm starving."

Mila James

I follow Scarlet into the kitchen, her attitude sharp and painfully confident. I hate that I'm anxious right now. She must see it too, my pink cheeks and fiddling fingertips. Hopefully, my fear of fucking this up doesn't put her off. I'd hate to go home to Willow with the desire in my stomach untouched and dwindling.

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