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Music fills my ears as I watch Scarlet shake hands with people across the club floor. She looks magnificent despite not feeling her best, and while swearing only to glam for an hour, her makeup looks impeccable. It's moments like this that leads me to wonder how on earth I landed upon dating her.

She's popular and famous, her appearance alone enough to shut down an entire block of traffic. I forget sometimes. She's humble and nonchalant most of the time, which makes nights like tonight almost hard to believe. I stay back, keeping my distance in hopes not to get swept up in the dozen or so paparazzi crew's tornado.

Fox waits beside me, dancing to the heavy bass drop that the DJ out front lets loose amongst the crowd. When I told Willow we were attending another party, she was devastated. She wanted nothing more than to approach Harlow, but turns out, she bailed and got overwhelmed last time.

I can't blame her to be honest.

"Did Harlow sort it with Scar?"

I nod, sipping my drink with a serious gaze. "She told her we're all going to be there. At the house."

He leans in. "It's for the best." He confirms. "That woman is psycho."

"Right." I yell above the music. "I gathered. What's the worst she could do?"

He shrugs and steals another glass of champagne from a walking waitress. "Hit her? Scream at her? Not sure. She's been known to victimise herself, and Scarlet is for sure one to fall for it."

"She's fragile."


"Fragile!" I yell, laughing generously while Fox nods in agreement. "She's got a soft centre."

He drags me toward the booth, a much quieter location for our brewing conversation. "I can hear you now. And yes, I agree. She's a sensitive bean." He explains sloppily. "Always has been, even when she cuts a deal she'll have a good reset grump."

I laugh. "Heart on her sleeve."

"Nobody ever taught her to internalise." He adds. "It's a skill. She raised herself, let's not forget that."

Her bright eyes pierce through the darkness and make their way toward us. She's smiling, but exhausted, her arms dragging by her sides while Fox makes room for her to sit beside me.

"You good, mama?" Asks Fox.

"I want my bed." She groans, leaning in to peck my cheek. "I'm done socialising."

I chuckle. "Harlow would be furious. She set this up so you could make contacts and promote the launch."

"Look at you, little miss logistics." Scarlet laughs and cups my knee. "Harlow really has stuck her teeth into you."

I blush. "I listen, that's all."

"Fox." She points at me and laughs. "Take notes. Listen."

"Oh fuck you." He sniggers. "So, have you decided on a date to meet with mommy?"

She nods awkwardly. "Tomorrow night." Me and Fox glance at each other. "It's better to get it over and done with, right?"

"Right." Fox turns to face her in the booth, and although drunk, he does a great job at putting on a serious expression. "You think you're ready for this?"

"I have to be." She sighs. "Maisie and Teddy are staying with Willow, so, might as well?"

"It will be fine." I interject. "We're all going to be there, and if anything weird happens, we can send her away. Easy."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now