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Please comment, I miss you guys 🥺


I wake up with Scarlet tucked under my arm, her head resting on my chest while the sound of Teddy crashing his toy cars together echoes in the distance. She has her fingers intertwined with my shirt, her leg tucked neatly over my thighs.

I try not to wake her as I reach for my phone. Harlow checked in an hour ago, and I reply to her with sleeping emoji's before placing it down again. I can't seem to look away from Scarlet's sleeping face. She looks peaceful and calm, breathing softly while I stroke her toned back.

It doesn't take me long to fall asleep again. Honestly, I've never slept so much in my life.

When I wake up an hour later, Scarlet is gone. I sit up and look around, the house is quiet now, only the sound of footsteps above me making me aware that I'm not alone. I scratch my eyes and yawn, pulling the blanket over my legs before Scarlet's sweet perfume drifts down the stairs.

"You're awake?" She giggles, her hair freshly blowdried and perfectly detangled. "I just showered. I feel so much better knowing I'm clean."

I laugh. "You always smell good." She flutters her lashes and smiles. "It's a talent of yours, even when you're sick."

"Thanks, James." She walks around to the front of the couch and stares at me, her new tshirt and tight shorts reminding me how beautiful her curvy body really is. "I do love my perfume."

"Me too." I agree, looking around the room. "Where is Teddy?"

"I put him to bed." She reaches for her phone and types away while talking. "He'll be knocked out until morning. I gave him his sleep meds."

"Sleep meds?"

She nods. "He struggles to sleep. Nightmares and stuff."

"That's so sad?" I sit up and furrow my brow. "Do you know why?"

She shrugs. "I'm not sure." Her eyes meet mine. "He's a sensitive little guy."

"It's so weird." I laugh gently. "You'd think Teddy belongs to me, and Maisie you."

"I don't know?" She perches on the edge of the couch. "I'm pretty sensitive, I just hide it well."

"And me?"

She muses. "You're confident." Her words are fragile, as if trying to figure out what she intends to say. "I've seen the assertive side of you briefly, and I think kids fill in the gaps we have." I look at her confused. "It's like me and Teddy. Sometimes I forget that I can have emotions, and so he cries and seeks my attention. It reminds me to breathe and tune in. The same with you. You're so anxious and self conscious, Maisie reminds you to let go and take charge."

I smile into my lap, fiddling with my fingers. "I think you're right." I reply. "I never thought of it that way."

"It's true." She swirls her fingers over the soft blanket below her. "They teach us things that we didn't know we had to learn. This week with Teddy has been a real eye opener."


She looks down into her lap. "He kept asking where you were. I tried to tell him we were busy and couldn't spend time together." She shakes her head gently. "He told me to make time. Friends are more important than work."

"Which is what you tell him?" She nods. "Wow."

"Right?" She shuffles to face me. "I should have listened to him. I did, but sooner."

"It's ok." I admit. "Maisie told me that she wanted to stay over again. She said you like me a lot and that if I wanted you to be my girlfriend I had to at least spend time with you." Scarlet laughs. "I agree with her."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now