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"I can't find my rocks," cries River, stamping his feet on the floor. "I put them under my pillow, and now they're gone!"

"Your head is bumpy enough as it is. Sleeping with rocks under your pillow will have you looking like a beanbag." Fox chuckles, scuffing River's hair while he pouts. "Why can't you play with normal things. You know, like a fire truck or a basket ball?"

"Because he's special." Maisie smirks, zipping her bag full of snacks. "Spends most of his life in the yard digging like a puppy."

I roll my eyes and laugh. "River, ignore them. You can't have dirty rocks in your bed, baby. Germs will be crawling all over you."

"Good!" He huffs, folding his arms tight. "I like germs. They're my friends."

Fox chokes. "River. We got you a fish because you don't like the kids in your class." He replies. "We're already in the grey area of normality here."

"Will you be a good uncle and stop making him feel weird?" I smirk sarcastically.

Maisie scoffs. "He is weird!"

"Hey!" River jerks. "You're weird!"

Fox walks toward me and widens his eyes. "You want me to babysit this trio tonight? They're going to send me to an early grave."

"Excellent." I wink. "I'll pay for your funeral, and I'll have Beyoncé sing you out."


"Don't sulk." I hum. "You love your niece and nephews. Besides, I need them gone so I can speak to Mila properly. She'll be home soon and I don't want her to walk in on a mad house."

"They're your kids." Fox mocks playfully. "They're like this because of you."

River runs and wraps himself around my thighs. I pick him up with a huff and smile. "I like them weird." I reply confidently. "Imagine having kids that don't sleep with rocks and steal your fifty-thousand dollar earrings."

Fox screws his face up. "Fifty-thousand?" He states with disgust. "You cheap bitch."

"Check the tag on my heels and you'll change your mind." I wink. "Anyway, time to go. Mila will be home soon and I need to fix this house."

"Come on." Teddy drags himself from the couch and follows behind his siblings. "Love you." They all reply, waving goodbye before slamming the door shut.

I made sure to come home early today. I want to surprise Mila with a cute dinner and finally talk about the weeks previous without interruption. It's important to her, and me too. In our entire eight years, we have never fallen as low as we have since Hunter first stepped foot into my office.

I spend the next hour cooking and cleaning, the fresh smell of lasagne ready to go when Mila opens the door with a hesitant step. "Scarlet?" She calls out, her heels continuing down the hall. "Are you home?"

I peer around the corner and smile, fiddling with the strings of my hoodie. "Hey."

"Oh my god?" She laughs in shock. "You made food? Where are the kids?"

"Sleeping over with Fox." I sigh. "I figured we needed a night alone to hang out."

Her delicate wrist drops her bag down before smoothing her skirt over her thigh. She rounds the counter and eyes the food, leaning in to smell it with a satisfied moan. "Wow." Her eyes lift to meet mine. "I can't believe you did this?"

"I know." I laugh. "I'm not really one to drop work early, but this was more important. Go get changed and I'll set up, ok?"

She returns less than a minute later with her hair scrapped into a messy bun. I serve the dish in front of her, a glass of white wine to wash it down.

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