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Something you wish you knew about me? 🤍


A deep desire burns in the pit of my stomach. She looks incredible. Unsuspecting and under the surface, nervous. She takes longer to remove her makeup tonight, the gentle swipes at her eyeshadow really dragging out the wait I'm sure she's overthinking.

I admire her while I do the same, watching the way she pouts at herself and adjusts her messy black hair. She moves as if I'm not watching, pushing her bra up with a sigh before spritzing perfume over her chest. I smirk, folding my arms loosely. Her lace black lingerie almost too tempting to wait for.

"In your own time, baby." I mock. She looks up at me in the mirror and smiles deviously. "You're really making a meal of this."

"Good things come to those who wait." She winks, turning away from the mirror to walk toward me. "I was making myself look pretty."

I shake my head and bite my lower lip, suppressing the urge to jump straight into the action and forget my plan to torture her. "You're always pretty." I hum, meeting her delicate fingertips with my own. "More so now than when I met you. God knows how. You were stunning. Like a picture I wished I could have saved over and over."

"With age comes beauty." She winks, looking down between us as I press my torso into her warm and gentle skin. "Takes work, but I've got a killer makeup artist."

"I'd love to meet her." I joke. "She really knows how to use her fingers." I drag my fingertips up against her forearm and bicep, tracing her shoulder blade before cupping the base of her neck. She swallows hard, my head cocking to the side. "Not that she deserves to use them anytime soon."

"Sex strike?" I grip her throat tight, and she closes her eyes with a sharp inhale.

"Drop the attitude." I growl, moving my thumb to lift her chin. "I can torture you all night if I want to."

Her tongue escapes to wet her lower lip. "You'll give in." She challenges, gasping when my spare hand reaches to grab a portion of her thick, jet black hair in my fist. "Fuck." I pull her head back and step in close, my lips meeting with her neck not to kiss, but to bite at the supple flesh.

"Perfect." I smirk, admiring the blushing mark on the side of her throat. "Now everyone beneath you will know that you're not the big, boss bitch you claim to be." She pants. "They'll see that you lay it down and let your pretty wife take control. They're scared of you, Scarlet. They will be talking for hours about how anyone could dominate you, let alone mark you."

"I'll just cover it." She spits, her tone dripping with a need for more. "Nobody will know."

I chuckle deviously, letting go of her hair to whisper in her ear. "I want everyone to see it." I bite gently at her lobe. "You'll keep it uncovered, and on display. No arguments."


"You want more?" I pull back and cock my brow. "Baby girl. Shut your fucking mouth, now!"

Her eyes ignite with a spark I haven't seen in months. She flexes her fingers over her thighs and lifts her chin as if signaling her understanding. I walk toward her, forcing her back into the bed where she pauses, her eyes searching me for instruction.

"On the bed. On your knees. Eyes closed." I push her chest backward, her thighs hitting the mattress with a gasp. She crawls backward and does as told. I can feel her itching to respond, but she knows better already than to test her luck.

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now