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"Pin here, and right here." Fox guides my hand and pulls at the fabric below. "Perfect. Back stitch until you get to the middle ok?"

"Thanks." I focus as much as I can, but Scarlet's confession last night weighs heavy on my mind. I prick my finger and jump back, a bead of blood trickling into my palm. "Shit."

Fox scrambles for a rag and puts pressure on the wound. "Jesus." He chuckles. "What's going on with you today? That's like the third time."

I slump back and sit on the table behind. "Just tired."

He cocks his groomed brow and tuts. "Right. Tired."

"I am?"

"Spill." He probes, and I realise my ability to lie is worse than my ability to sew. "Come on, James. I know better than to believe you're tired. You've been off centre all day, even Harlow noticed."

"She did?" I glance over to her office and gulp. "I didn't realise."

He leans beside me. "Did you and Scar have an argument or something?"

I shake my head. "Just a talk. It was good. It was one of those intense life talks." I wet my lower lip and sigh awkwardly. "I guess I'm a little worried, that's all."

He checks behind him before leaning in. "About Scar?"

I take a deep breath, my loyalty sliding as I debate telling Fox everything. "It doesn't matter."

He tugs my shoulder. "When it comes to her, yes it does." His tone is sharp. "What did she say?"

I scratch the back of my neck, shuffling my feet while looking vacantly into the distance.


"I don't want her to hate me for telling you." I spit awkwardly. "I'm her girlfriend, Fox? I shouldn't be spreading her business."

He sighs, pulling me in for a hug. "I understand." He reassures. "I will say, though. I know you're very intelligent, but if you have even an inkling that she could be in danger, you have to tell Harlow. Scarlet isn't always transparent when it comes to her safety."


He swallows. "She takes risks with people. She trusts that she can handle herself, but sometimes, her heart outweighs logic."

I furrow my brow and look up at him slowly. "Wait." I stammer. "Do you-

"Speak to Harlow if you feel it's necessary." He winks. "She's a logistics manager for a reason. Planning is written into her DNA."

I smile, reassured that Fox somewhat knows what I'm talking about. I think, anyway? "Maybe I will." I muse carefully. "I just want her to be supported and not take all of this on herself like she's ten people, you know?"

He chuckles, pointing out at the floor ahead of us. "I mean she birthed this company with a marginal team. She's built different, that's for sure. But I get it. It's not always as easy when it comes to real stuff."

"Exactly." I sigh. "I know myself how rough it is dealing with your emotions. Especially with a child in the mix."

He pauses for a moment while scanning through some of Scarlet's templates. "I don't mean to sound pushy, Mila, but maybe it's worth speaking to Harlow now?" His eyes meet mine with a genuine look of concern. "Time escapes fast sometimes, and if this is about her mom, I'm not sure we have much to begin with."


I lean back in my chair frustrated. It feels as though the work never stops, and no matter how many emails I send, more manage to return. I turn away from the computer for a while, deciding a little sketch time will help easy the strain of responsibility. Just as my pencil meets the page, however, Harlow bursts through my door and folds her arms tight.

"Can I help you?" I laugh. "I'm busy."

"You're drawing." She huffs, walking toward my desk and invites herself to sit. "Pencil down, baby. We need to talk."

Strangely, I do as I'm told and set back to listen. "Is everything ok?"

"You tell me?" She counters.

"Harlow I don't-

"I spoke to Mila." I roll my eyes, knowing instantly what this talk is going to be about. "Don't be mad. She's worried about you."

"Harlow, I'm a big girl, ok? I don't need anyone to be worried about me." I grumble. "I've got this."

She cocks her brow. "You've got this?" Her chuckle undermines my confidence. "You've got this?"

"Yes!" I snarl. "I know what I'm doing."

"Which is what, exactly?" She probes. "What are you doing, Scarlet?"

I shrug, caught off guard despite being engaged with the conversation. "Finding out what she wants?"

"She's manipulating you." I furrow my brow in anger, folding my arms with a tense jaw. "You know from experience that these little visits end up with you questioning yourself. She wants something from you, and you have nothing left to give."

"What if somethings wrong?" I raise my voice slightly. "I know this sounds stupid to you, but what if she's not ok?"

"She's never been ok?"

"Seriously." I bite. "She could have cancer or- or an incurable disease. Harlow, I need to know that she's ok?"

She sits back and softens her expression, and I can tell she's torn between my logic and my past.

"I need to know that she's safe." I continue, lowering my tone. "All I do is worry about her. I never know where she is, or who she's with. It's been years. She started texting and calling before showing up here unannounced. If something is wrong, I can help?"

She looks down briefly. "Scarlet-

"I know what you're thinking." I blurt out. "You think I'm being delusional and unreasonable, but I just have this gut feeling." She swallows hard. "I know in my blood that something isn't right, I can feel it."

"That woman abandoned you." She states sternly, her voice gentle yet cold. "She left you to fend for yourself while she went out and abused substance only to fall pregnant and abandon Teddy too."

My heart races.

"You spent years trying to fix her and help her. She didn't want it. She didn't need it!" The passion begins to swell in her throat. "She pushed you away and proved that drugs were more important than loving her children. Why on gods earth would you even think about helping her now?"

My cheeks burn, the air in the room sucked away along with all sound. "I don't know."

"I have watched you fall apart and pick up the pieces time and time again. I have sat with you crying on the bathroom floor because she bailed on you for the thousandth time. I have spent years coparenting with you because the woman who should have been here walked out and chose a life without you."

I look down at the desk, my fingers unconsciously fiddling with my pencil while tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

She leans forward. "If you want to meet her, and find out what she wants. You best believe I'll be there. As will Fox, as will Mila."  I look up and hesitate to speak but she interjects almost immediately. "That's final."


"Final." She asserts. "She will not hurt you again. I won't have it. Tell her to meet you at your house and we will be there waiting. I refuse to let you do this alone. Understood?"

I nod sheepishly. "Fine."

"Good." She stands and pats down her skirt before meeting me behind the desk for a tight hug. "Clear your mind for now. We have a huge party tomorrow which you need to be on top form for. This soft launch will be the step up Ramirez needs to dominate this year."

"I always dominate." I chuckle, pulling away from the hug to dab the single tear that fell onto my cheek. "It's a talent I prefer not to disclose."

She rolls her eyes playfully and walks toward the door. "Regain that bad bitch energy. She's slacking lately, and I miss being yelled at."

"Get the fuck out of my office, how does that sound?"


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