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I can tell Scarlet is shaken by my comment. I didn't mean to come off as rude or insensitive, but it's almost too true for comfort. I have never been in a serious relationship before. I have also never fucked anyone more than twice. This is new, and so, what do I even define it as? Are we exclusive? Are we sex pals?

I waste little time on the thought and ready myself for the big meeting. Harlow sits beside Scarlet with a folder full of documents, while I sit across the room ready to take notes. Scarlet told me not to speak, and I'm sure she's only warning me due to the last outburst I had with Alfred.

He deserved it.

Harlow watches Scarlet carefully, her diamond blue eyes scanning over her focused posture at least once a minute. When Lake finally decides to show up, she's the first to stand. Scarlet is far more relaxed. She lifts from her seat and shakes his hand before sitting.

Lake is a tall, muscular young man with fluffy hair and and absurdly expensive watch. I make sure to keep tabs on him. Not that I need to. Harlow seems to be doing just fine at utilising her stony expression.

"Thank you for meeting with me, Scarlet."

"You too." She smiles at him, but I know it's all for show. "Take a seat."

He smirks. "Nice office you got. Shame there's no touch of your father."

"I don't have one." She grits her teeth and grabs a pen I'm sure she wants to stab him with. "Fathers are not needed to dominate the market, Lake."

"I'm aware." He observes the room blatantly. "Beginners luck."

Scarlet cocks a brow. "Let's call it plain and simple success." Her snarky tone ruins me, and I can't help but smirk behind my notepad. "Let's get to it, shall we?"

He nods, swinging a brief case onto the desk with a slam that makes me jump. "I'll be rich with you here, Scar." Her brows lift slightly. "I'm looking for a round figure. Nothing too choppy, but for the sake of business, I'd be frank to ask for more than I initially quoted."

Scarlet and Harlow share a look. A giggle follows, and both seem to understand something I'm unaware of entirely. "My name is Scarlet, not Scar, for starters. Secondly, you are aware that your company at best is worth at least five-hundred less than you stated in our previous conversation?"

He shrugs, folding his foot over his knee. "I get that numbers can be a cause for concern." His tone is cocky and shallow. "I can assure you, however, the estimated value of my kingdom is thoroughly thought through."

"Is that so?"

"It is." He clears his throat. "I'd be happy to pull out the profit reports."

Scarlet huffs. "Well, I'd be inclined to say yes, Lake. However, I tend to stray from entertaining falsified documents. They are a nightmare to decipher."

"Falsified?" He gasps in disbelief, clutching the arms of his chair to lean forward in disgust. "I'll have you know my company operates under legitimate authority. It's below you to make accusations such as this."

"We're pretty shallow," Harlow chuckles. "We like to have our own team look into our future endeavours. Call it a fail safe, if you will."

"What's she harping on about?" He addresses Scarlet as if Harlow is a babbling child.

Scarlet leans forward onto her elbows and narrows her eyes. "Let's get one thing perfectly clear, Lake." She begins sternly. "Under no circumstances will you sit here and be disrespectful to any member or my team. Do you understand?"

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused." She scoffs. "Now I mean it. If you want to walk away with my money in your pockets today, I'd drop the ego and learn some fucking manners."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now