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I'm sorry it's a short one today. I have been super busy with work and needed a little break🤍

My blood boils in my veins while I stand composed and stern. Jenna swallows, backing herself into the wall. "You can't cut me from this campaign." Her small voice trails off quietly. "I worked so hard to be here and I-

"Blew it?" I cock my brow and fold my arms. "Is that what you were going to say?"

Her eyes dart to coco.

"Don't look at her." I smile, slowly walking toward her with a chuckle. "She's in trouble too. Now, if you would like to keep your job, I'd suggest packing your things, and going home."

I reach her with another stride and look her up and down disappointed. "Shame." I sigh. "You would have looked incredible."


"Nope." I turn on my heels and walk toward my office, motioning for Mila to follow. "Let's talk."

She pads along behind me and gently closes the door with a soft sigh. "Rough morning." Her silky voice warms me. "They've been at it for a while."

"I hope I didn't cause anything too serious." I look up at her and lean back against my desk. "I can't exactly stand there and allow that kind of behaviour."

She smiles, striding toward me with warm palms settling over my ribs. "It's ok, baby." She kisses my cheek and rolls the pads of her thumbs over my jacket. "I'm more so interested in the new choice of attire? Hiding something?"

I smirk, shaking my head. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Her rolling eyes catch me off guard. "I'm glad you kept this one." She examines the darkening bruise on my neck. "It's pretty."

"We've been married for eight years. I think people are aware that we get to touch each other." I wink. "You don't have to prove it with love bites."

She steps back, folding her arms tight. "You could have worn a turtle neck." She cocks a brow. "You didn't."


"So." She steps aside and places herself in the seat opposite my desk. "What's the plan."

Before sitting, I take a deep breath, flipping a large portion of hair over my shoulder. "You're in charge."

"Ah." She winks. "But you just fired two of my lead girls. I'm hard pressed to find anyone else that fits the bill like they do."

I tilt my head in thought before looking her up and down. "I mean. You said you wanted full control. You're the director here, not me."

She sits back in the chair, her expression darkening with my tone. "Why so groggy?" Her question forces my brows to furrow. "Director or not, you're the boss. You should have the skill set to help me out."

"I'm busy." I wink.

She laughs, a scoff filling the space between us. "Oh. I know exactly what your issue is." She leans forward, a twisted smirk pulling at her lips. "You're frustrated."

"I'm fine."

She snorts. "Your face. You're so pissed off?" Her laugh infuriates me. "Oh, baby. I assumed you'd be a little touchy, but this?"

"Mila, stop." My cheeks blush. "I have work to do."

She pouts, leaning onto her palms. "Do you? Or are you going to sit here and feel sorry for yourself?"

I push back and stand from my chair. Approaching a nearby cabinet, I admit to myself mentally that last night really did send me through a spiral. I hate when things fail to resolve, and frankly, the only thing resolved currently, is Mila's wish to be in control.

"I'll get over it." I huff.

She stands. The sound of her delicate heels approaching me from behind sends a shiver down my spine, and when her hot palms make contact with the front of my stomach, a wave of blood pulsing through my veins. "I'm sure you will." Her lips press into the side of my neck, and I reach my hand out onto the cabinet for balance. "Because big bad Scarlet wouldn't be seen dead throwing a tantrum over something so silly."

I close my eyes tight, reaching down for her hands to separate them from my body. "Silly?" I turn, looking her straight in the eye. "You didn't think it was silly last night when you were all up in my shit with no intentions of letting me cum?"

She smirks, pulling me forward by the hem of my tight pants. "It's called karma." She hums. "Maybe if you didn't act like such a jerk, I wouldn't have treated you like one."

"Still not forgiven?"

She chuckles. "I forgive you, Scarlet." My stomach eases. "I just think I deserve a little revenge. You know?" She steps back, walking toward the desk. "I get this is uncomfortable for you, and I'm sure you'd love for me to finish the job, but like you said, busy day." Her wink pierces through my soul. "Catch you later."

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