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Please comment as much as you can. I worked super hard on this chapter 👉🏽👈🏽

"You're awake?" Harlow closes the door behind her, shocked to see Scarlet sitting at her desk. "I came to get you up. I was ready for a fight."

Scarlet laughs under her breath. "I had an early night," she replies, folding a document into a folder. "Proud of me?"

Harlow shrugs with a smirk. "Depends, were you alone?"

"Yes, Harlow." Scarlet sighs. "Why, were you expecting me to have company?"

The brunette shrugs. "I heard a rumour that Mila was seen leaving your room late last night?" she teases. "Did something happen?"

"Firstly, you sent her up here to make a move. The documents she had me sign were historic and irrelevant." Scarlet stands from the desk and folds her arms, pacing towards Harlow with a scrutinising smile. "Secondly, the move she made looked eerily familiar. Any reason?"

Harlow cocks her head and hums, "I don't know?" she taunts. "Maybe she's a natural flirt?"

"She's not", Scarlet corrects with a sarcastic smile. "She's anxious and awkward, but hey, at least I can call her a fast learner."

"I didn't teach her anything", Harlow explains. "Sure, it took some time to convince her that putting it on you wouldn't kill her, but when she got it, I didn't have to say a word."

Scarlet pouts, widening her eyes slightly while sifting through some documents. "I'm surprised," she admits. "I didn't know she had it in her."

"Well, what happened?"

"She pinned me to the wall and told me to fix my manners." Scarlet smirks. "I didn't know what to say, but when she started making out with my neck, I wondered where your influence would end."

Harlow rolls her eyes playfully. "Did you take it all the way?"

"She left." Scarlet scoffs. "Was that part of your little flirting lesson too?"

Harlow smiles with a sigh. "It was a private lesson. I'm sorry, but you'll have to deal with the unknown."

"Speaking of," Scarlet huffs. "We need to talk logistics. I want to make sure everything goes as planned."

Harlow nods and reaches for her phone. "I'll call Fox up here."


"This is going to work, right?" Asks Fox, steaming a silky red gown. "You don't think Scarlet is being a little too?"

"Risky?" Harlow sighs. "Absolutely, but that doesn't mean it won't work."

Fox shakes his head, stepping back from the dress with a nervous swallow. "If it did go wrong, this could be a PR nightmare?"

Harlow turns and folds her arms. "You're a massive part of this, Fox. We need you to be on our side, okay?" the man lowers his head. "I get it. you're trying to keep the peace, but if this works, Scarlet will be labelled a genius."

"She already is?" Fox jerks, furrowing his brow. "Nobody is questioning how good she is, Harlow. The line would have been perfect regardless. I don't understand why you two insist on making things bigger than they need to be?"

Harlow rolls her eyes and walks to greet the red dress. "We can see the bigger picture, Fox." she snaps, tugging at the dress with a fire in her eyes. "This entire campaign represents something bigger than we could ever make. You wouldn't understand."

"Oh, I do." Fox argues, "As much as you love to disagree, I have been a part of this story for the same amount of time as you have."

Harlow cocks a brow. "I appreciate that, Fox" Her tone darkens. "I do, but this means a lot to Scarlet, and I won't feel bad about trying to make it work."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now