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Scarlet returns a little less than an hour later, and I narrow my gaze as she sits, hoping to notice her looking for the picture. She doesn't. Instead, she pulls a salad from the mini fridge behind her and dives into a delicious-looking lunch. It feels strangely comforting to see her shovelling a forkful of food into her mouth because, for the first time, she looks almost of human.

"You're not eating?" Her eyes stay glued to the computer, throwing me off with the out-of-the-blue question. "It's lunchtime."

I take a deep breath and shake my head. "I don't eat lunch," I admit, neglecting the rumbling in my stomach. "I hold off until dinner most of the time."

Her gaze shifts from the screen to look at me. "You go all day without eating?" the judgemental tone stings. "That's bad for you. You need to eat, new girl."

I shrug, hating that I have to be honest right now. "I budget my money to the dollar. I can't afford to bring lunch to work," I laugh timidly, realising how alien this must sound to a real-life billionaire. "I go without so my sister can eat at school."

Her expression softens, and I brace for a wisecrack, but she surprises me. Instead, she grabs her phone, types something quick, and then refocuses on my awkward, blushing cheeks. "How do you expect to care for a child if you're not taking care of yourself?"

I furrow a brow. "I take great care of her."

"I don't doubt that," she states bluntly. "I'm just advising that you look after your body. Your little sister needs you to be around for a long time." She makes sense, but I'm unable to respond as the door swings open to reveal a happy-looking Harlow holding a plastic bag. "Eat," Harlow hands me the bag at Scarlet's command, and my eyes widen when noticing the double sandwich and sugar-free soda.

"Thanks?" I say in disbelief. "You didn't have to do that?"

She nods a thank you to Harlow before returning to her computer. "Maintaining a healthy body is non-negotiable," she cautions. "Be a little more responsible from here on out."

I nod eagerly, delving into the food in my lap with blushing cheeks. "Yes, ma'am."

The food tastes amazing, and I make the most of every bite while trying to untangle the kind gesture. As far as I was aware, Scarlet hates me, but right now, I'm questioning the intentions of her sharp tongue.

"I have a meeting in five minutes," she speaks after a few moments of silence. "Stay quiet and take notes down. I'll need to make sure I'm square with Alfred and his whack-job associate."

I swallow hard, realising that I'm being tasked with yet another private job. "Sure," I smile. "I'll try my best."She nods appreciatively, standing to reach a wall of crystal decanters "Dutch courage?"

She arches a brow, and for a moment, I'm sure to see the hint of a tiny, sarcastic smile. "I don't drink, but I can understand why you'd assume." She speaks, pouring a cloudy liquid into a small glass.

"You keep water in decanters?" I query with genuine curiosity.

She reaches for another glass and poured a few inches into the bottom, motioning for me to come and grab it "Small sips. It's strong" she warns.

I lift the rim of the glass against my lips and swallow a small mouthful of the sweetest, most delicate liquid I have ever tasted. "What is that?" I ask with buzzing taste buds. "It's incredible?"

Scarlet pours me a few inches more. "Harlow's mom creates the most beautiful floral infused waters in the country." She takes her own sip with closed eyes and a soft moan of satisfaction. "I make sure to stay stocked up. It's my fix."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now