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"How are you going to stand here and tell me you didn't know?" Scarlet's voice can be heard from across the floor as I make my way to her office. I push open the door quietly and head to the design board in the corner, a tall model stands chewing her gum obnoxiously loud, her hair disheveled and dirty. "You are an adult, Ava? You should be able to remember a simple instruction."

"Fox told me-

"I didn't ask you to talk back!" She scolds, and I can't help but smirk to myself as I arrange a few samples from yesterday's design cram. "Turn your ears on and listen. If you want to be here, show me some fucking respect?" The model tenses her jaw and looks down at the floor. "Get here on time. It's not a difficult thing to do."

"Yes ma'am." The girl huffs.

Scarlet unfolds her arms, walking toward her with an expression I almost want to photograph. "Drop the attitude. I don't pay you to act like a hormonal teenager. I pay you to stand up as a woman and represent the Ramirez name. Is that understood?"



"Yes!" The girl finally pins back her shoulders, looking Scarlet in the eye before she turns to approach her desk. "I'll be here on time tomorrow. I swear."

"You best hope so." Scarlet scoffs. "There's a long line of girls waiting to take your spot. I'm not opposed to a fresh face."

The girl hurries from the room and slams the door. I chuckle, shaking my head while stapling a patch of denim to a document.

"What are you giggling at over there?" Her raspy voice seeps into my ears as she walks toward me with a curious smirk.

I shrug, turning to face her. "You're hot, that's all." I admit. "Sometimes I provoke the girls just to hear you yell."

"I can imagine." She cups my jaw and kisses me tenderly, her warm lips pressing into mine. "You little freak." She winks.

"You love it."

"I love you." She returns to her desk and flicks through a portfolio. "How was Teddy, he seemed a little sad this morning?"

"He's worried about Hunter." I sigh, sitting opposite her with a bottle of water. "It's fine though, Maisie said she'll take his knee caps out."

"Knee caps?" Scarlet chokes. "That's a new one."

I nod with sadistic eyes. "She got the idea from River."

She slams her pen onto the desk. "Has she been letting him watch those documentaries again?"

"I told her off already, don't worry." I chuckle. "She had a weird morning. Yelling at Teddy was only the beginning. Which by the way, was kind of called for. He still can't figure out how to put a shirt on."

"You're looking at me like that's my fault?" She chuckles, my brow wiggling in response. "I've tried to tell him. He's not interested, he throws shit on and that's it. Honestly, to think his entire family works in fashion."

"I said that." I laugh, watching her bright eyes sparkle against the sun. "Maisie gets it. She would die if she had to walk out of the house without her Ramirez drip."

Scarlet shrugs with a cocky smirk. "Can't blame the girl for having taste."

"You've created a monster."

"That's my baby right there." Scarlet winks. "Leave her alone. I just hope River will follow suit. He has a thing for Gucci."

"Maybe he'll be like Teddy?" I muse. "Shorts and shirtless?"

Scarlet chuckles, twisting her wedding ring around her finger. "I think we've established that Teddy is an anomaly. Poor boy. I'm with Maisie on the knee cap thing."

"Yeah, you need to chill." I wink. "Mrs Scottie has it handled for now."

"I don't want my kid being robbed in the cafeteria?" She scoffs, a serious note of spite inching into her tone. "He's sensitive. He won't stand up for himself?"

I reach for her hand and squeeze. "We can't walk in there with baseball bats, Scar. He'll figure it out."

She shrugs, rummaging through her bag with furrowed brows. "Hey, have you seen my phone charger anywhere?"

I roll my eyes. "Ask your youngest child. He took Maisie's this morning to use as a leash for Kevin."

"Did he-

"No." I sigh. "But we need to keep a close eye on him."

"Right. Lovely." She stands, walking around to arrange her desk before her hot hand makes its way onto the top of my shoulder. "You look good today."

I look up, her half covered cleavage almost eye level in front. "Yeah? How good?"

She smirks deviously, leaning down to kiss the side of my jaw. "I'm restraining myself from bending you over this desk." She husks. "Unfortunately, I have a big meeting in ten. You're going to have to wait."

"Fuck." I grunt, swivelling in the chair to pull her hips between my thighs. "Why tell me that? You know I'm impatient?"

Her fingertips caress the back of my neck. "Be a good girl and wait then?" She lifts my chin with a harsh snap. "You're capable, aren't you?"

I chew my lower lip and hum. "When it comes to you, I'm not so sure." I lean in and kiss her stomach. "I'd say ten minutes is more than enough time."

She chuckles with a smirk, stepping back to adjust her hair. "I don't think so." She rasps. "I like to take my time on you. Deal with it."

I stand with a playful frown and grab her folder from under the desk. "Fine." I huff. "Go and meet with your fancy lawyers while I torture myself."

She walks toward the door and smiles. "Good attitude. Laters."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now