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"I need this to run as tight as we had it last year", Scarlet explains. "We have eyes everywhere, and I'm out to prove Alfred wrong."

Fox nods, noting down a few of the woman's comments. "Alfred has his head stuck in the eighties", he laughs. "I'm glad Mila called him out."

"She knows nothing of him", Scarlet clarifies, sipping her floral-flavoured water. "That's what makes it so funny."

Harlow leans back in her chair and sighs, "I'm sure he'll eat his words with this campaign" Her reassurance means more to Scarlet than many others in the office, and their long-standing friendship pays homage to the years spent working together. "The nearly naked storyline will have your sponsors upping their investments."

A smug smile pulls at Scarlet's lips, and she sends Harlow a thankful nod. "It will be great. I just need a few extra hands."

Fox scratches at his brow. "Ember can come, but I'll need to sign her off to travel" Scarlet screws her brow together with a gentle resentment. "I can uproot the designer lounge?" He offers, "I just know you prefer to work closely with your existing travel team."

Before another word can be spoken, a timid knock warns of an entering body. Mila walks slightly into the room and smiles awkwardly. "Sorry" she whispers "I couldn't find anyone, so."

"You", Scarlet interrupts with a bite, her head cocking with a studying squint. "What are you doing next weekend?"

Mila widens her eyes in shock. As do the pair in front of her, "Me? Oh. I don't think I'm doing anything?" She tugs at the ends of her hair anxiously. "I mean I'll be with Maisie, but"

"I need you to accompany me to Dubai", states Scarlet with a stern smile. "Fox needs extra help with dressing, and I could use the hand for notes."

"You want me to come to Dubai?" Mila stumbles.

"You want me to repeat myself?" Scarlet retaliates, her brows lifted and brash "Yes, we leave on Friday. Fox will go through the logistics later, but find someone to care for your sister. No kids allowed."

"Ok," Mila nods hesitantly. "Right, I'll call my, um?" She stumbles back towards the door. "I'll find someone!"

Fox folds his arms and leans forward onto his knees after Mila's quick exit "The new girl?" He scoffs with furrowed brows. "You want to bring the new girl to Dubai? You don't even want her in your office, let alone your private jet?"

"She's growing on me", Scarlet admits. "Sure, she's painfully underqualified, but she's good at taking notes, and I always appreciate a pretty face."

Harlow clears her throat. "Can we just address the obvious here?" Scarlet rolls her eyes. "You want Mila
to come to Dubai or come in Dubai."

Fox chuckles behind his hand while Scarlet looks down with a patient sigh. "Professionalism would be great, guys", she scolds. "I'm not interested in sleeping with an employee."

"So hire her then", Harlow interjects with a bite, refusing to back down against the look Scarlet sends her. "If this isn't about your sex life, hire her? That's got to be why you've decided to keep her around, right?"

Scarlet swallows subtly. "She's on trial"

"The weeks up", Harlow smiles. "You either need to hire or fire her", she clarifies. "I can't have an unpaid member of staff walking these halls for longer than five days, Scarlet. It would be a HR nightmare!"

"Fine", the woman replies. "Put her on the books, but just know, this has nothing to do with your dirty little minds and their obsession with my sex life."

SCARLET MEETS MILAWhere stories live. Discover now