Chapter 66

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Christmas that year was a small affair, that didn't really feel like Christmas at all. For the first time, the group spent Christmas away from the Potter estate - the house inhabiting too many incredible memories that were painful at that time to relive. Euphemia and Fleamont were still fresh within their minds, but that house was a painful reminder of what their Christmas' used to have been.

Instead, their group of friends, minus Peter, Marlene and Mary, who were all celebrating with their families, had all ended up at Hallie and Sirius' flat. It wasn't the sort of Christmas that the group were used to, but Hallie was more than grateful to be spending it together.

"To this incredible food and fantastic company," Sirius praised, raising his glass up in the air. The others followed suit, before Sirius snorted in amusement. "Also, me and Hallie have fucked on this dining table. Tuck in!"

The boy immediately picked up his cutlery, shoving a massive piece of turkey into his mouth, whilst the rest of the group pulled faces of disgust.

"Why?" was all Hallie could say, glaring at Sirius from across the table.

He shrugged his shoulders with an entertained smile. "I was just telling the truth."

"You telling the truth Sirius, is what is going to get you and your sorry arse wound up in azkaban," Hallie grumbled, kicking him harshly in the shins. Hallie glanced around the table, noticing the group was still all looking at the couple with wide eyes. "Oh please," Hallie replied in exasperation, pointing towards James and Lily. "Like you two haven't done it on the dining table."

"We haven't!" Lily exclaimed, going red in the face at Hallie's raised eyebrow. "Tell them we haven't James!"

"Well now I'm thinking we should have Lily flower," James replied modestly, causing Sirius to cackle and Lily to slam her palm to her head. "Is it good?"

"Great," Sirius mumbled, through mouthfuls of food. "The best place though is the sofa. Lots of space..."

"I'm so done," Hallie replied in exasperation, leaning across the table to shove a massive yorkshire pudding into Sirius' gob. He attempted to speak, but all the group could hear was muffled noises.

"At least that shut him up," Remus muttered, still looking down at his meal in distaste.

Sirius eventually managed to swallow his food, looking towards Hallie in astonishment.

"You trying to choke me Brennan?"

"That's what she said," James muttered, earning a smack around the back of his head from Lily.

"I bet you wish you went home to your family now," Hallie commented, turning towards Sophia, who had been watching the scene with an embarrassed, red face. She merely nodded; the tips of her ears tinted pink.

Hallie glanced down the table, noticing the group, bar Sirius, were all still staring down at their food. "Right, are you lot actually going to eat the food I have so generously made for you?" she queried, sending forth her sternest glare. "I woke up at silly o'clock this morning to make all this."

"I'm eating it darling," Sirius smiled, shovelling another forkful of food into his mouth.

"You're always eating," Hallie replied with a roll of her eyes, causing James to laugh in amusement.

Sirius widened his eyes. "That's because you overfeed me!"

"No, it's just because you're a pig."

"Don't," Lily interjected, shoving a hand in front of Sirius' face before he could retaliate. "Thank you Hallie," she said, turning towards the blonde. "This food looks delicious."

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⏰ Last updated: 11 hours ago ⏰

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