JANUARY 01, 2023

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The dazzling fireworks in the night sky made me realize how I fancy the bursting colors that resemble joy and accomplishments. I want to see it more often - means I want to be happy and accomplish something.

We all wanted to start this year right. With high hopes that this time numerous doors of opportunity will open for us. Some pray for a miracle that'll change their life. Others ask for nothing but happiness and peace of mind.

May we not wait for the flower to bloom if we didn't even bother to water nor take good care of it. May we be tough enough to say "no" when our heart and mind don't say the opposite. May we be strong for the battles and challenges that are yet to come. Never lose hope even during the times where you feel like the universe is putting you down.

Don't break a promise. Don't break your heart. Don't wait to be treated right. Treat yourself right. Don't wait for the right one. Be the right one. Be a little gentle with yourself, it's "you" who will save you when no one notices you stepping on the wrong track. Be more kinder, a simple smile can light up someone's day. Don't know what to do? Just pray.

Celebrate your success, little or big. It's you who witness your struggles and risks. Smile and laugh more. Turn off the survival mode. This time, live as if it's your first time figuring out that there's heaven on earth. To fail is never a bother. This year, we have 366 chances to become better.


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