JANUARY 08, 2023

17 1 0

Who's too anxious of the world ending?
Will you mourn?
Will you bring back the time again?

Perhaps decide to freeze the moment
Where you smiled and laugh the hardest
Rewind the movie and watch it all over again
Play that song you want to vibe - keep repeatin'

But when it's too late
You can't just turn away from fate
It'll chase you either you're sleeping or you're awake
The longing and regrets will hunt you
Yet, you can't change it anymore even if you want to

Not every ending is heavenly as the sunset
The wonders of such moment will sink in
After it becomes a memory, isn't it?

Everything will come to an end
"We'll be fine, just unwind" 
"We'll be okay"
That's how we pretend 

World endings doesn't scare me anymore
It has ended for me not once, not twice but more
And it began again during the dawn
Everytime it does I won


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