Chapter 1: Indiana

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August 18th, 1980

I lay sleeping in bed without a single care in the fucking world when I felt something hit my head immediately snapping me out of my dreams. I squinted my eyes open and saw a pillow hit the other side of my bedroom floor.

I groaned and rolled over onto my back only to see my brother, Will, in my room stood over me with a smirk. "Get up, Heather..." he sang in amused tone.

"Alright." I spat in annoyance. "Don't want you to be late for your first day back," he smirked knowing he was already pissing me off.

He turned my bedroom light on blinding me immediately since I was used to my dim lighting in my room. "Vampire." He hissed with an amused smile.

"Shut up!" I groaned hoping he'd shut up and leave me alone. "Brat," he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say," I huffed as I stood up. I walked up to my wardrobe before tripping over something. I managed to catch myself before I face planted the floor.

"Shit," I mumbled. I looked down realising that Will tripped me up. "Are you going to leave now or what?" I grumbled with an annoyed eye roll.

"Alright just don't take forever, Jeff's picking us up." Will shrugged before leaving my room making sure to leave my door open as much as he possibly could just pissing me off more.

Jeff is Will's friend. They've been friends for like totally ages. He's pretty nice I don't mind him, he's always been loyal to Will.

I picked out a pair of jeans and some random shirt to wear. Once changed, I went into the family bathroom and brushed my teeth.

After styling my hair in its usual messy style I went downstairs to find Will. "God alive, there you are. Took long enough," Will rolled his eyes. Sometimes I can't tell if he's joking or not. I shrugged at the thought.

"Jeff's here come on," Will said coolly. "You eating breakfast?" He asked. "It's fine, I don't want to make you late." I said while trying to put on a pair of black converse on at the same time.

Will nodded plainly as he walked out of the house, his eyes fixated on Jeff's car. I quickly tied my laces as fast as possible leaving the one shoe undone before picking up my bag and getting into the back of Jeff's car.

His car was cool, it was a red-ish colour with a leather interior. Not sure what model it was but it was nice.

"Late as usual, Heather," Jeff smiled into his rear view mirror. "Sorry," I groaned as I tried to do my other shoe lace up.

"It's all good, Bailey," Jeff nodded before starting to drive. I put my seatbelt on just in case for any reason whatsoever Will had to drive.

"You excited for 9th grade?" Jeff asked making eye contact through his rear view mirror. "Not really," I said plainly.

"You'll be fine just stay with that little friend you're always with," Will joined into the conversation.

"Nichole? I was planning on it," I huffed. After a minute of silence Will and Jeff went back to talking. They were talking something about music and something about bands and what not. Same old, same old.

Jeff took a sharp turn into the school car park. "Fuck me," I mumbled under my breath. "Stop fucking swearing," Will shouted back at me.

"Whatevs." I rolled my eyes. I could see  Jeff's face reflecting in his wing mirror as he fought back a smile while he parked his red convertible. "Meet here later." Jeff gave me a thumbs up and I fired one back before walking off into the school to try find Nichole.

Nichole had been my best friend for years. It was almost like Jeff and Will when I thought of it.

I wondered over to my locker opening it, lost in my thoughts as I looked through my locker.

I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when Nichole appeared next to me. "Morning!" She smiled happily. To happy to be in school.

"Morning," I smiled back at her. Nichole and I had spent most of the summer together. It was nice, I got to spend most days at her place which was nice to get away from my place...

I did spend a lot of my days with Will and Jeff as they chased around some chicks and smoked a shit ton of weed. Overall it was a good summer.

We both had the same timetables which we were both happy about. "English first," Nichole smiled widely.

"Mhm," I mumbled with a small smile. Nichole looked at me with a skeptical look. "You good? You don't look yourself," she asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

"I'm fine, just tired," I smiled. "Alright..." Her voice trailed off. We stood in an awkward silence for a moment before the bell rang for first period; saving us both from the awkward silence.

"Come on." Nichole smiled as she linked arms with me as we walked beside each other.


Word count: 863

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