Chapter 29- Pools

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May 30th, 1984

I waited for Steven to leave so I could go over to the phone to try and call Tracii, I felt bad for not calling him yet.

I dialled his phone into the tacky hotel phone, I could still remember his number from all the past times I'd called him before tour.

I waited anxiously for him to answer...

"Hello?" A voice mumbled through the other end.

"Hello Tracii? It's Heather,"

"Nice of you to finally call," He scoffed.

"I'm sorry! I just got caught up on tour and I've been really busy, but I'm missing you so much,"

I could hear his sigh, "I'm missing you too Heather, and yknow ever since we kissed it's been all I could think about,"

"I'm sure you've found some other chick," I mumbled.

I didn't know what to feel anymore. I mean, my feelings were all over the place, at the time I thought I liked Tracii, but I don't know anymore, and now Steven, I didn't even know if I liked him, I couldn't explain what I was feeling about him, it was different to what I'd felt with Tracii, it felt more natural.

"Yeah, to take my mind off of things, but then I just think of you again,"

I stayed silent for a moment, reflecting on what he'd just said.

Tracii must of picked up on my absence and broke it, "When's tour over?"

"Another couple weeks,"

"I've been missing my roomie,"

I smiled to myself, "I'm missing you too,"

Someone knocked on my hotel door. "I'll call you later, someone's knocking."

"Alright, see you soon." Tracii said before putting the phone back down on the hook.

I opened the door to see Duff standing in front of me.

"You coming to the pool?"

"Sure I guess," I shrugged.

"Give me five,"

He nodded, "I'll just wait here for you."

After a short while, which I thought was short anyhow. I changed into a two piece swimsuit and put some open toe shoes on.

I opened the door to see Duff sat on the scratchy red hotel carpet by my door, "Took long enough,"

"I didn't take that long," I shrugged while he stood up and walked with me as we got to the elevator.

"You totally did,"

"Whatever," I huffed as we both stepped out and walked towards the outdoor pool, the sun immediately hitting my eyes.

Duff jumped into the pool, splashing my ankles with the cold water. It was a hot day; surprisingly, since it was raining yesterday.

"Are you getting in or did I drag you down here for nothing?"

"Hmm," I pretended to think about if I was actually going to get in, I was planning to get in anyway.

"I'll pull you in," Duff threatened.

"Alright, hang on," I giggled. After swiftly removing my shoes and coverup, placing them on an open chair along with a towel I placed myself into the pool.

"Didn't think you'd get in, to be honest,"

"Why's that?" I shivered slightly from how cold the pool was.

"Most girls don't,"

I shook my head, "It's so fucking cold,"

I shivered again, "It's fine if you swim around,"

Duff started to swim away from me so I quickly caught up with him, following closely behind.

We both stopped and I held onto the wall enjoying the moment and the sun before Duff splashed me.

I looked at him with a pissed off expression, "You're already wet, what's the difference?"

"It ruined the mood," I said with the same expression.

"You look like Axl when you make that face," He snickered.

"I look nothing like him!" I pouted.

"Yeah, yeah," Duff sniggered.

I took the opportunity and quickly splashed water at him, catching him off guard.

"That's it," He said with a serious expression.

Duff splashed more water at me, more than he had the first time; so I quickly splashed him and swimming away from him.

I turned around to see him swimming after me.

He splashed me again; I think I inhaled some of the water this time. "Stop, I'm sorry," I giggled.

"Alright I'll stop,"


Before I could finish the word he did it again.

"Alright, that was the last one," He snickered.

Duff and I swan around for a while, I noticed Nikki watching us as he was sat by the pool with his band mates.

We both decided to get out and get changed, but before I could leave to go back to my room, Nikki stopped me.


"Mhm?" I turned around to look at him.

"You want to come to my room before the event thing tonight? Not for anything bad but y'know,"

"Sure I guess," I shrugged, I had the other day.

"Great, come up about 5."

"See you." I smiled before heading up to my room.


Word count-  814

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