Chapter 7: Rockstars

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(Pretended appetite for destruction came out in 1984 because I'm not fixing the timeline)

April 25th 1984

After a while, Nichole and I had managed to find two jobs each. The bills aren't cheap when you live in LA, not even in a cheap ass tacky motel which has mould growing in the shower.

I found one job at a small record store not too far from the motel we are staying at which was very practical since we didn't know the city at all.

Nichole also picked up a day job at a small diner. But we both knew that the income from these small jobs would definitely not be enough for us to buy or own place, especially since we didn't want to live in the mouldy motel for the rest of our lives.

So we had decided to pick up two jobs. But after aimless hours of wondering we knew what we had to do.

Nichole and I were both pretty and young so we didn't think it would be that hard to get a job at some tacky strip joint. So that's exactly what we did.

After following someone's directions to the sunset strip we easily found a job together pretty quickly. I mean I wasn't completely proud of it but hopefully I'll end up actually making something of myself.

That day while Nichole was working at the small diner and I was at the record store, I noticed there was a little list of everything I had to do.

I organised all the new records playing the 'Ride the Lightning' record by Metallica. I'd heard it a few weeks ago and really liked it. As I hummed along to the words quietly while putting the records away I didn't hear the bell ring on the door showing someone had entered the store.

"Hello?" A voice said quickly snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh, sorry," I smiled standing up and dusting myself off quickly and turning the record down slightly.

"Could I help you?" I said with a small smile brushing my teased hair out of my eyes. "Sorry you just reminded me of someone," he spoke. The man had long layered black hair and a very distinct jawline. Giving very much rockstar.

"Oh, really?" I said with a slight confused expression but smiled. "Yeah, but don't worry about it," he shrugged before going to leave the store.

I watched as he left the small store with a confused expression. But I also felt intrigued by the stranger.

He must of just confused me with someone else...

As I continued putting the records away, the man with the long black hair kept popping into my mind. He said I reminded him of someone...

I ended up completing the small list I was given distracted in my own thoughts. There weren't many costumers in the 5 hours I worked in there. Probably only about 20?

The list didn't take very long to complete and with the lack of customers there wasn't a whole lot going on, so the only thing I did was play some of the records still thinking about the boy from earlier on.

I mean he was pretty cute but I was still confused on what he meant by 'I remind him of someone'. I'd never seen him before and I'd never even been to LA before so I don't know where he would've seen me from...

I sat on the little counter thing next to the cash register and the record player, swinging my legs back in forth in boredom.

I kept glancing up at the clock in nervousness and anticipation, one because I wondered if the boy from earlier would come back but two Nichole and I had our first shift as a fucking stripper.

When Nichole and I were younger we took dance classes together but I was always more flexible than she was. The other women who worked at the club had shown us what to do while performing and whatever and told us what to do and what not to do, and what to wear. So on so forth.

I quickly looked up at the door hearing the little bell ring. I quickly turned the record down before noticing it was not only but, the boy from earlier on who had been on my mind since he'd confused the shit out of me earlier.

"Who do I remind you of now?" I said playfully as he walked into the store.

His stern looking face quickly broke into a huge smile of amusement. "I decided to come back because I was just wondering if you knew my friend," his voice trailed off as he spoke.

"Well who's your friend?" I said with an amused smile, swinging my legs back and forth still sat on the counter.

"It's this dude that I know, we perform together..." He said and I raised my eyebrows.

"I look like a dude?" I said with a smile raising my eyebrows waiting for an answer.

"No, I didn't mean it like that." He smiled again hoping he didn't offend her. "Well could you be more specific?" I said to the taller man with a small smile.

"His names Axl Rose? If you know him by chance." He said.

Very rockstar.

The name was interesting but I'd never heard it before.

"No. I don't think I do," I brushed my teased hair out of my eyes. "Ah, it's okay. Just a thought," He smiled before turning around to leave again.

But I wasn't letting him leave as quickly this time. "You gonna tell me your name?"

He turned back around to look at me. "Tracii Guns," He said with a wide smile. "Heather," I smiled back.

"Are you new to LA? I haven't seen you around here before," He walked closer to me and rested his side on the opposite side of the counter to where I was sat.

"So I'm guessing you know everyone who lives in LA?" I teased with a small laugh.

"Well," he said deep in thought. "Well obviously not, but I couldn't miss a chick like you,"

I smiled looking down at my hands. "And I come round here a lot." He said with a little shrug.

I smiled again, "well yeah, me and my friend literally only arrived here yesterday."

"Sick, LA's a cool place," he nodded agreeing with himself. "Where you staying?"

"The motel up the road." I hoped he wouldn't judge at the current accommodation I was living at. "I wouldn't stay there if I was you, the guy who runs the place is a massive pervert and apparently sets cameras up in the rooms."

I grimaced. "Shit, really?" I said in slight disbelief. "Yeah I'd find some place else,"

"Well if you have another cheap alternative, I'd be open to that," I said raising my eyebrows knowing Nichole and I would probably be staying in the motel for a while longer.

"Well you and your friend are welcome to come stay with me," He shrugged. "Maybe I'll take you up on that," I smiled.

It was a nice gesture and super nice of him to offer, but I'd have to talk to Nichole first before making some hasty decision.

"Alright," He winked at me making me smile. Tracii picked up a pen and grabbed a small piece of paper of the desk thing I was sat on and wrote his number.

"The motel must have a phone but if it doesn't there's one down the block," He said before finishing writing the number. "Alright I gotta go, see ya Heather," He winked again.

"Bye Tracii." I smiled before he left the shop. I picked up the small piece of paper with his number on, staring at it for a whole before neatly folding it and putting it in my jean pocket.

It was relatively quiet...I glanced up at the clock displayed high on the wall and noticed my shift was over. I locked up the shop before making the trek back to the motel to meet Nichole for our first night as strippers on the sunset strip.

As I walked in I noticed the man from reception watch me as I walked up to my room, but after what Tracii had told me earlier, it made me feel more uncomfortable. I rushed up to my shared room with Nicole before quickly unlocking the door noticing Nichole had beaten me here.


Word count: 1417

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