Chapter 44- Moving

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June 28th, 1984

That week Steven gave a date which I could move in by and now Tracii was helping me pack my clothes. "You gotta come visit me, and your other Guns guys,"

"I will," I smiled while looking out of the large oversized window, overlooking the city below.

"I'll miss this apartment," I smiled.

"I'll miss you,"

"I'm sure you'll find another girl to fill my absence,"

He chuckled, "we'll see,"

"I'm going to visit you all the time, you'll get fed up off seeing me,"

"I'd never get fed of seeing you," I said sarcastically and he put his hand on his heart.

"I'll take your shit downstairs and help you get a taxi,"

I rolled my eyes, "don't throw it down the stairs or something,"

"Why the hell would I do that?" He snickered while dragging my suitcase and another bag I had. I threw my backpack on my back as we left his apartment.

I shut the door behind me; remembering the huge burn mark on the door, "oh, Trace?" I called out right before he started the treck down the treacherous stairs.


"What happened to the door?" I asked while he started to descend down the stairs so I quickly followed behind.

"The burn mark?" He asked, looking up at me in the stairwell since he was further down than me.

"Well, yeah," I rolled my eyes.

"I got bored," he shrugged. 

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion, I didn't even bother asking anymore questions so I just shrugged it off.

I followed Tracii out to the street and he flagged someone down who was driving a yellow cab, Tracii told the man where I was headed which I was grateful for because I honestly forgot.

Steven still lived in LA but further from Tracii's apartment and it wouldn't be hard walking with all my baggage.

The man put my bag and suitcase in his car trunk, "call me soon,"

He gave me a small hug before letting me go, "bye, Trace." I smiled while getting into the back of the taxi.

"Bye, Heather." Tracii waved at me one last time before the taxi driver started to drive off.

The taxi drive was short lived, I was already exiting the yellow cab dragging my suitcase behind me and picking up my extra bags. Steven had told me where to go but I was already forgetting, I walked into the complex and knocked on a door which I believed was to Steven's place; and luckily it was.

"Heather," Steven opened his door and quickly embraced me.

"Steven," I giggled.

"I did clean the place but Slash came round last night and messed it up," he frowned while leading me into his house.

"You haven't lived with Axl," I snickered as I admired his place; which wasn't even that messy to be honest.

I was about to say something when the phone rang, Steven walked over to the phone that hung on the wall, placing it next to his ear.


"Yeah, did she not to tell you?"

I was confused as I listened to half of the conversation between Steven and the mysterious person on the other end.

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