Chapter 12: Promotion

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April 26th 1984

I had excused myself from Tracii's place so I get 'run errands'. I decided I'd move in with Tracii and help him pay half his rent. I just hoped I'd make enough to help pay.

But I especially wanted to move after the rumours on the owner of the motel and also who the hell wants to live in some mouldy fucking motel for the rest of their life?

But I was totally going to have to tell Tracii, I mean I couldn't get away with it forever. He'd definitely know if something was up if I left for my shift at eight every night and didn't come back till half one in the morning.

As I strolled back and walked through the motel lobby, I heard a voice speaking to me from behind me.

"Still staying?" I noticed it was the creepy man from reception.

"Yep," I smiled faintly popping the 'p'.

He was about to say something but I quickly cut him off. "I'm sorry, I have to get ready for something." I quickly excused myself before rushing up to my motel room.

As I walked in a let out a long breath. I decided on having a quick shower before I went to my second shift.

I got unchanged and stepped into the shower letting the hot water soothe my body. After washing I stepped out and wrapped a towel around me.

After decided on what to wear and sorting my hair, I remembered I'd have to encounter Nichole again. Which was something I really wasn't looking forward to.

The time was 7:48 so I started strolling down to the club so I could speak to Tiffany. I gave a small wave to Carolina before turning to walk towards the dressing room when she called me...

"Heather?" She said from behind me.

"Mhm?" I hummed turning around. "The boss wanted to speak to you, he's in his office, down the hall on your left." Carolina pointed to down the hall and gave her a nod before nervously following her directions.

I knocked on the bosses door, "come in." He sighed.

I'd only spoken to him once when he gave Nichole and I the job when we first got here.

I walked in with a confident smile trying to seem more confident than I was. What could he possibly need to speak to me about?

"Oh, Heather," He quickly smiled and pointed to the chair opposite his so I could sit. I smiled and pulled the chair out so I could sit.

"It's nothing bad, don't panic," He snickered, and I gave him a smile.

If it wasn't bad then what did he want to speak to me about?

"Well since your performance was so good last night, I had people asking about you all night. I'm giving you a promotion so you perform twice a night and then you go out to the main floor and interact." He explained, and I looked at him in disbelief.

"Seriously?" I asked in disbelief.

He nodded. "You're going from 10 bucks an hour to 25,"

"Woah, thanks," I smiled widely.

"Just keep doing what you're doing," He smiled and offered his hands to help me stand.

I took his hand and walked to his office door. "Thanks again." I smiled before leaving.

I work 8 PM until 1 AM so I'd be making at least a hundred and fifty bucks, as well as tips.

Not too shabby.

I walked back stage and Tiffany quickly rushed over to me. "You okay babe?"

"Yeah," I smiled happily.

"I heard what happened with Nichole,"

"How do you know?" I asked hoping Nichole didn't change the story to make me seem like a bitch.

"Word travels fast," she smiled sympathetically.

"But don't worry! Because I'm totally still your friend, and Nichole's a bitch anyway," Tiffany reassured and put her hands on my shoulders.

I smiled at her, I finally for once felt like I actually had a good friend. All this time I thought Nichole was a good friend but as I thought back to all the times she manipulated me I realised, maybe she wasn't a good friend after all.

"Thank you," I smiled appreciatively.

"It's okay, babe, it's what a true friend is for," as Tiffany spoke I felt eyes burning into my skin, once I found who it was, it didn't surprise me. Nichole stared at me looking at me in disgust.

Tiffany followed my eye level and noticed Nichole's glares. "Ignore her, babe," Tiffany scoffed before looking back at me.

"She's not the one who just got a promotion anyways."

"You got a promotion?" Tiffany asked, she actually looked happy for me and it felt nice that someone actually truly cared.

"Yeah," I smiled moving a piece of hair out of my eyes.

"I told you the crowd liked you." She smiled widely making me smile.

My shift was basically the same but I went out twice and just worked on the floor as well, all together with tips I made three hundred bucks and with the money from earlier I made three hundred and fifty.

Not too bad.


Word count: 866

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