Chapter 23: LA Guns

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May 18th, 1984

I woke up on a sofa, that wasn't my own, I quickly scurried to sit up but stopped when I felt my head which was pounding. I could only hear the sound of my head pounding and the sound of the TV.

"You good?" I heard a voice call out.

I watched as they walked into the living room, I let out a long sigh of relief, realising it was just Will.

"You scared me," I sighed.

He rolled his eyes before bringing me some water and chucking some Advil pill at my head.

"Thanks," I groaned as I swallowed the pill and chugged some of the water.

I couldn't really remember most of last night's events, I probably did some stupid shit and embarrassed myself though.

"Duff was telling me that he told you about the tour we're doing? The US tour?"

"I remember I think,"

I remember Steven and Duff saying something about it, and something about Mötley Crüe.

"Is that the one with Mötley?" I asked.

"That's the one,"

"Usually I wouldn't want you to come," he sighed.

"Rude," I interrupted.

"But after last nights events, you're coming with me, you're obviously incapable of looking after yourself,"

I started to get small flashbacks from last night from when I was completely abandoned on the dance floor then some guy took me to an alley.

"What about Tracii?" I sighed as I thought about leaving Tracii again.

"Never trusted him,"

"Will," I groaned.

He looked annoyed by the name, "It's final, Heather,"

"When do we leave?" I sighed knowing I wasn't getting out of this without a massive blow up.

"Next week,"

I sighed, "Okay,"

I glanced over to the TV noticing MTV playing, "Ain't that you?" I asked Will pointing to the TV noticing his band playing the song they had played last night at the release party.

"Yeah," He said plainly.


An hour later I left Will's place and wondered to Tracii's. As much as I wanted to go on this tour, and as much as I wanted to meet Mötley, I felt bad leaving Tracii on his own; again.

"Tracii?" I called out as I walked in.

"Heather? Oh my god, where have you been? I was so worried," I looked over at a stressed out Tracii.

"I'm sorry, I stayed at Will's," I explained as I rushed over to him.

"You could've called," he groaned, letting out a long breath of relief.

"I was sorta drunk," I added on and he nodded.

"I was wonderin', you wanna meet my band today?" He asked feeling more cheerful now.

"Sure! What's your bands name again?" I asked.

"LA Guns,"

I nodded, "Cool name, I'm just gonna clean myself up then we can go."

He smiled in appreciation before I walked off to the bathroom. I showered, sorted my hair out, brushed my teeth and picked out a more suitable outfit.

I decided on a denim vest with buttons down the middle and a pair of dark blue jeans. I tied a little bandana around my head before walking out to find Tracii.

"I'm ready to go," I smiled.

"Let's go then girl," he smiled while pushing me forward gently.

"You're coping Axl's bandana,"

"Actually he stole it off me." I snickered as we walked side by side. Tracii led me into a small bar which despite its size, was still located on a busy street.

"Hey!" Tracii waved at his band mates and sat at their table, I followed and sat next to him with a little smile.

"You're the magazine girl?" One of the boys said, he had a very distinct jawline, and dark messy hair.

"I suppose," I giggled.

"That's Kelly," Tracii explained.

After being introduced to everyone, I found out Kelly was the band's bassist, Phil Lewis was the bands main singer, Steve Riley who played drums, Mick Cripps who played keyboard and Tracii played rhythm guitar, which I already knew.

They were all nice guys and had some good music, after staying and talking for a while Tracii and I started walking back.

And this was when I decided to break the news about the tour.

"So, uh, Trace?" I said nervously, as we walked side by side.

"What's up?"

"You know how the other Guns guys just released the first record?"

"Yeah," He said while dragging the word out.

"Axl sort of invited me to go on tour with him, when I say invited I mean he heavily implied he wanted me to come,"

He sighed, "I ain't stopping you if you want to go,"

"I'll call everyday, I promise," I reassured.

He smiled cheerfully, "I know you will."

Tracii wrapped his arm around me pulling me close as we walked back home.


Word count: 798

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