Chapter 16: Do you know my friend?

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April 29th 1984, 9:56 PM

"You ready to go?" Tracii called out.

"Yep," I called back as I put my last earring in.

"Let's go," I smiled as I walked out into the living room to find Tracii.

I could see him staring but I rolled my eyes with an amused smile.

As we both walked through the streets I still wanted to know who I was meeting. "So what's his name?" I asked impatiently.

"Can't say."

"What's he look like?" I groaned frustratedly.

"Can't say."

I groaned loudly and Tracii smirked knowing he was getting on my nerves.

"Can you at least tell me where we're going?" I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose.

"A bar, not far from here,"

"That wasn't helpful," I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Tracii led me into a bar and his eyes scanned around for this mystery friend. I followed him as he walked to a table. "Hey man!" Tracii said happily.

"Hey dude!" The boy said back.

He had dark curly hair and caramel coloured skin which glowed under the bar lights. "So this is your friend?"

Tracii nodded before sitting down. I sat down next to him. "I'm Slash," He nodded to me coolly before lighting a cigarette.

"Heather," I said back.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl," Slash winked playfully.

"Do you know my friend by chance? His names Axl-

Slash started to speak but Tracii cut him off. "I already asked, she said she doesn't know him."

Slash nodded. "You'll have to introduce me to him if I look so similar to him," I smiled widely.

"You can meet the band," Slash nodded, blowing his curls out of his eyes.

"So, Miss Heather, how old are you?" Slash asked with a little smirk which was displayed on his face.


"What you doing hanging with this stupid fuck?" Slash snickered, nodding to Tracii as he opened a small packet of sugar and poured it out onto the table.

"He just came up to me and asked if I looked like his friend," I shrugged, with an amused smile.

"Where you from?" Slash asked while I watched Tracii pour another packet of sugar onto the table.

"Indiana." I explained as I watched Tracii make designs in the sugar which was now all over the table.

"What brings you here?"

"Fresh start I guess." I shrugged and Slash nodded.

"Guns, what the fuck are you doing?" Slash asked, now directing his attention towards Tracii, who was now trying to scoop all the sugar into one of the empty packages.

"I wanted to see how much of this I could fit into one packet," He said plainly.

Slash saw the opportunity so he nudged Tracii's arm causing him to spill the sugar again.

"This is why things don't get done," Tracii grumbled as he brushed all the sugar onto the floor.

"You'll live," Slash rolled his eyes in amusement. "Anyway I gotta bounce, nice meeting you." He said to me before getting up and leaving.

After he was gone, I glanced at Tracii who was staring at the table blankly. 

"You okay?" I asked.

"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinkin',"

I nodded. "So, what you think of him?"

"He's real nice." I smiled.


That evening, once Tracii and I walked back to his apartment I got showered and changed before laying on my back on the bed of my new room.

Tracii's apartment was a big step up from the motel, I mean for one the bed was comfy and there was no mould anywhere that I knew of, thank god.

As I drifted off, I actually felt comfortable and safe. Like I was home, like I actually finally had a home.

Because even when I was at home I was never really home.

But now I actually felt safe.


Word count: 643

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