Chapter 40- Nikki fucking Sixx

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June 11th, 1984

Steven and I had been dating officially for about a week, we'd go out some nights when we weren't travelling.

The only person I'd told was Duff and Steven told me he'd told Nikki, and Steven promised me Nikki wouldn't say anything. But Nikki had been teasing me all week about it and making me all embarrassed.

We'd now travelled to Detroit which is also a place I'd never been too before. Tour was almost nearly over now, which would be sad but now all I wanted was to go home and relax for a bit.

Which reminded me of Tracii, it was going to be a bit awkward explaining everything to him. I also feel bad for leading him on a bit, hopefully he'll get over it...

The Guns boys were all in sound check and I was all alone on the bus. Again.

I lay on my bunk looking up at the bottom of Duffs bed on top of mine in boredom.

"Hello, fucker," I heard Nikki's annoying voice holler.

"Hi, Nik," I said while standing up.

"Why you moping around, looking all sorry for yourself?"

"I'm not, just bored," I shrugged.

It was probably because I couldn't sleep last night, Duff cannot stay fucking still when he sleeps.

"You going out with your boyfriend later?"

"Shh," I hushed him quickly.

"Well, are you?" He smirked.

"Yeah, what's it to you?"

"God knows what you pair are going to get up too,"

"Fucking shut up!" I hissed.

"Where's, Tommy? He's my favourite,"

"With some chick," he shrugged.

"Are you going to hook up in some motel, again?"

"Dude, stop. Wait, did Steven tell you about that?" I grimaced.

"All the details,"

I sighed, putting my head in my hands.

"He told me that you-

"Fucking stop!" I cut him off swiftly.

"Someone's pissy today," he smirked.

"Well I don't want you to tell me about what he's told you," I sighed.


"How are you going to tell Axl?"

"He'll just have to get over it once I tell him,"

"Can I tell him for you?" Nikki said with a mischievous smirk.

"No! No, Nikki, no you can't,"

"Alright, I won't,"

"But you might want to,"

"Why's that?"

He looked deep in thought like there was something he didn't want to tell me, "just better to tell him now than once he finds out,"

"I suppose," I shrugged.

"Anyway, you cut me off earlier, Steven was telling me that-

"Not listening," I groaned while walking away from him.


Nikki opened his mouth to say more bullshit when the boys walked back on the bus from soundcheck. I have Nikki a stern look and he nodded; quickly understanding it. 

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