Chapter 14: Fame

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April 28th 1984, 1:29 AM.

On closer exception, I realised the voice was coming from a male. He had dark hair, glasses and looked about 45, he held his hand out to me so I could shake it.

"Hello?" I smiled in confusion but shaking his hand anyways.

"Oh sorry. I'm Michael, I woke for a Modeling company and I think you'd be perfect for some magazines we have coming up."

"Really?" I stated feeling completely shocked.

"You'd obviously be getting payed as well," Michael explained.

"We also asked two other girls so you won't be alone. Tiffany and Nichole, I believe their names are," I nodded my head.

I wouldn't be on my own which is great, Tiffany must be ecstatic. But then I realised I'd be stuck with fucking Nichole of all people.

"Would you be interested?" Michael questioned as he passed me a business card which I gracefully took without a second thought.

"Yeah! Totally," I smiled from ear to ear.

"Perfect, give me a call and we'll work something out."

I watched as Michael walked out of the club. I put the card in my jean pocket and walked home feeling on top of the world.


I woke up in the motel to the alarm going off. I'd set the alarm earlier so I could call Michael.

I jumped out of bed and picked up the phone; dialling the number on the business card.

"Hello?" A woman picked up.

"Hi, sorry. While I was working last night a man named Michael gave me a business card and said he was interested in letting me model for him, he told me to call in the morning. My names Heather, I work in Temptations."

"Michael did say yes, I'll put you through to him." The woman said politely before putting me on hold.

I sat waiting for a minute or two before hearing a voice I recognised. "Hello?" I asked.

"Oh, Heather. I was hoping you'd call." Michael explained and I smiled, holding the tacky motel phone close to my ear, playing with the cord; twisting it in my fingers.

"How about you come down to the studio now and we'll take some photos then I'll send them to some companies who'll definitely want you on their front cover. I mean who wouldn't? You'll have no problem."

I thought about it, I suppose I could do it.

"Yeah sure, that'd be great," I grinned widely.

"Cool! The address is, 8317 Cherry St., Los Angeles, CA 90009," I quickly wrote down his words on some random piece of paper.

"Great I'll be there in an hour and half." I smiled. We said our goodbyes and I quickly put the phone down on the hook so I could prepare myself.

After showering, sorting my hair and doing light makeup. I decided to wear a light blue dress with opaque sleeves.

I remembered to take the small piece of paper with the address on before going to find a taxi. The taxi driver knew the exact place thank god, well I suppose he has too.

After paying I walked in and over to the receptionist, "Hey, I'm here for a photoshoot. Michael told me to come here." I explained. "Heather, was it?"

"Yep" I nodded. She stood up and led me through to a room where I assumed I'd be taking pictures.

"Heather!" Michael spoke cheerfully as he walked into the room. I smiled back.

"So the plan is, my photographer will take photos then send them off, then there'll definitely be someone who'll want you to be on the front page of their magazine."

I nodded with a small smile. As the photoshoot started I was nervous, but after a couple of minutes I had my old confidence back.

After the photos were taken I'd realised it been in there for like two fucking hours. And now late for work.

"Contact me tomorrow and I'll update you with news." Michael explained as he escorted me out.

"Thanks," I smiled gratefully before walking out of the building and out into the busy street, quickly smelling the polluted air.

It was so busy I just walked trying to find my back to the record store, and some fucking how, and hour and a half later; I found it.

Hell knows how I found it.

As I walked in late I got a glare from James; the owner.

"Sorry I'm late, I got lost," I spoke quickly trying to salvage my job. "Sorry Heather, I don't think this is going to work,"

I sighed, "It's all good," I shrugged turning around to leave.

"Bye James." I smiled politely before leaving the shop. He smiled back before I left.

Well that didn't last long.


April 29th 1984, 1:13 AM

That evening, at the strip club I was asking the girls if the boss would let me have Saturday off since I wanted to hang with Tracii. But I didn't tell the girls I was hanging with Tracii, I just said I was busy.

"He's never let me have one day off."

"He didn't even let me have a day off when I was sick."

"Don't be disappointed if he doesn't let you have the day off."

All the girls spoke over each other trying to get their points across. It made me worried I'd have to cancel on Tracii and tell him that I was a stripper.

But I decided to ask anyway. At the end of my shift I walked to the bosses office and knocked on his door.

"Come in." He sighed and I walked in.

His eyes widened when he saw me and he pulled a chair out for me.

"How could I help you, Heather?" He asked sitting down in front of me.

"Oh, I was just wondering if I could have tomorrow off I-

Before I could finish, he interrupted me.

"Yeah, of course you can Heather,"

"Oh-uh, great. Thanks," I smiled awkwardly and in confusion.

I stood up thinking of what the girls said. "Thank you,"I smiled in confusion before leaving.

Why was he so easy on me?

He didn't even ask a reason?

Are the girls bullshitting me?

"Whatever." I mumbled quietly to myself as I wondered back to the motel...


Word count: 1051

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