Chapter 30-Mistakes

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May 30th, 1984

I was wearing a short dark red dress and black heels to the event award thing. Axl wanted me to go so I agreed.

The time was 4:47 so I decided to just go to Nikki's room since I was bored. After getting to his room I knocked the door.

"Heather! I was wondering if you were going to show," Nikki smirked, his eyes scanning me up and down.

"Come in,"

He held the door open for me to walk so I did. Nikki's room was bigger than mine and Steven's, Nikki's room had a mini kitchen as well.

I pushed myself up onto the smallish island and sat on the end. "Making yourself at home,"

"Why not," I shrugged.

"This is Robbin," Nikki said while nodding to a man about his age, sat on the small couch in Nikki's room.

I nodded, "You want something to drink?"

"Sure," I said skeptically.

"I'll make you something," Nikki winked.

"I saw you in that one magazine," Robbin slurred from the couch before standing up and making his way towards me.

He was either drunk, high or both.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, I didn't even know you were Axl's sister," Robbin slurred while resting against the doorframe in front of me.

I smiled, "Drink this,"

"What is it?" I asked while taking the drink. It was a strange colour, who knows what the hell he put in this shit.

"I mixed everything we had together," Nikki shrugged.

"Are you sure I'll still be alive after drinking this shit?"

He chucked, "You'll live,"

"If you don't want it I'll have it," Robbin shrugged.

I took one small sip and it tasted fucking disgusting, "You're definitely not a bartender, Nikki," I grimaced.

"You don't like it?"

"No offence," I smiled awkwardly, I took a few more sips than I probably should've which hurt my head slightly.

"It's good," Nikki shrugged, Robbin swooped in and took the concoction from my hands and drank it quickly.

"Nikki, can I have more before you leave," Robbin slurred and I looked at him confused.

"Not in front of her, man,"

"She won't mind,"

"Mind what?" I grumbled at all the vagueness.

"Nikki giving me more-

"It's nothing," Nikki cut him off.

"I'm seriously not bothered just fucking get on with it,"

"Alright," Nikki sighed.

"I was just giving him heroin earlier,"

"If you know what that is, princess." Nikki smirked.

"I do, why were you so worried to tell me?"

Nikki shrugged. "You should try some." Robbin slurred.

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