Chapter 45- Final chapter

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October 12th, 1984

A few months had passed now, Axl called a week after our argument to apologise and I forgive him even though he's a fucking idiot. I'd done about seven photoshoots and Michael was planning with the director when they were starting filming. I still didn't know much about the movie but I was pretty excited.

Steven and I were also closer than ever, when he wasn't in band practice and I wasn't doing photoshoots, we were together. I also quit my job at the strip club which made Tiffany sad but once I told her everything, she understood. The boss of the strip club offered to pay me crazy money for me to stay but it just didn't feel right to stay working there whilst I was dating Steven.

Guns N' Roses had been doing pretty good as well, Sweet Child O' Mine had been doing well and they'd been on MTV a few times. Tracii came to the house a lot, sometimes bringing his band, it particularly grown close with Kelly and Tracii would act all offended, but deep down Tracii was my favourite, and he always had been.

Now I was in sat at my vanity with Tiffany stood behind me doing my hair. I was going on a date with Steven, we'd been on a tons of dates since we got back but this one seemed special.

"Did you see the magazine I was in the other day?" The blonde giggled.

"I did, Tiff," I smiled as she curled my hair.

"How is Nichole getting on?" I asked curiously.


"Just curious,"

"Still working at the club, I don't think Michael manages her anymore,"

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Too much drama with her or something," she shrugged, finishing off my hair.

"You're so gorgeous," Tiffany smiled widely.

Tiffany went through my wardrobe and picked out a black short dress with a straps that crossed over in the back. I hadn't worn this dress yet and I'd been waiting to wear it somewhere special.

I moved some my hair to the fronts of my face, "I'll call you how it goes later,"

Tiffany smiled, "you better, I got to go, I have a shift,"

"Alright, see you," I smiled while standing up from the vanity.

"Bye, babe." She embraced me in a hug before we separated ways. Steven told me that the second he got back from band practice he'd pick me up; which was about now so I waited outside for him.

Which was rather uncomfortable in the black heels I was wearing. Fortunately I wasn't waiting long, I saw two headlights pull into the driveway and Steven signalled for me to get in.

I hoped in the passenger seat, "you look beautiful," he said while giving me a small kiss.

I smiled, "so, where are we headed?"

"I can't say," he snickered.

"Please tell me," I groaned.

"Just wait," he smiled while the car glided down the streets.

We sat in silence for a moment, a wave of nostalgia hitting me. The interior of Steven's car reminded me of Izzy's car from when he used to drop Axl and I off at school.

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