Chapter 28- Hotels

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May 30th, 1984


Another week past and a ton of shows had passed; all as good or better than the one before. Steven was feeling better now, but I wasn't sure if he had stopped.

We were all now of our busses driving to a hotel. After four weeks sleeping on the bus, we were thankful to finally be able to sleep in a hotel.

During these four weeks I'd also grown a lot closer to all of the Mötley boys, more particularly Tommy and Nikki.

Tommy was pretty sweet to me most of the time, Nikki was either flirting with me or being nice. I couldn't really tell. With Vince, I like him, but I don't really trust where he's been, he's like a coin on the street which you want to pick up but you don't know if it's dirty or not, and Mick, well he's just, Mick.

We were all tired from last night, we'd stayed up all night after the boys gig, doing god knows what. Smoking, drinking and whatever the fuck else. It was all a blur to be honest.

Adriana had someone to come pick her up so she could go home, I mean, she got on my nerves sometimes but I did like her. And now I'm the only girl so that meant no more gossiping.

Well at least I had Duff to gossip to.

As the bus glided along the dusty roads I remembered my other guns boys, I quickly felt guilty. I promised poor Tracii I'd call him, which also brought back that we'd kissed right before I left.

I dropped my head into my hands. I'd have to call them later though...

I also wondered who I'd be sharing a room with, maybe Duff.

A couple of hours later, we were finally at the goddamn hotel. Took long enough. 

I lugged my two heavy suitcases behind me struggling slightly, "You want help?" Izzy snickered at me.

"Yes," I huffed.

He took one of suitcases of me dragging it for me, "You're so weak,"

"I'm not! It's just heavy,"

"Yeah, yeah," Izzy snickered.

"Do you know who I'm sharing with?"

"Duff or Steven, probably."

I nodded while we entered the hotel. It was quite nice, I was just happy to sleep on an actual bed for a short while.

"Heather!" Duff came over to me in the hotel lobby, picking me up and spinning around.

"Put her down." Axl snarled lowly.

"Ruining the fun," Duff frowned while placing me back down on the common ground.

"He's just grumpy," I smiled playfully.

"Just so you know, you're not sharing with Tommy, or Nikki for that matter," Axl stated.

"Alright, whatever," I huffed.

"You're staying with Duff, I trust him enough,"


"I'm staying with Nikki, sorry, man," Duff replied quickly. So quick in fact you would've said it was rehearsed.

"Do you hate me that much?" I snickered.

"No it's just, I already promised Nikki,"

"It's who am I with now?"

"I'm with Iz and you're not going with Slash, but I don't really want you to go with Steven, and we're too broke to buy another room," Axl sighed.

"Duff are you sure you can't go with her?"

"Sorry, man," Duff shrugged.

Axl groaned, "You're with Steven then."

I watched Axl walk off into the distance to get our room keys, Duff nudged my shoulder, "So," he said.

"So," I mumbled back.

"What do you think of Steven?"

"Uh, well he's a nice guy I guess," I shrugged, I couldn't really explain what I was feeling about him.

"No, what do you think of him,"

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion but wondered if he was hinting at something.

"Come on Heather, you can tell me this shit,"

"Well, what do you want to know?" I asked while checking behind me to see if anyone was listening.

"Do you like him?"

"I don't know," I mumbled, what the hell was I supposed to say?

"Heather," Duff smirked mischievously.

"I like him I guess, I hadn't really thought about it."

Duffs smirk grew, "I knew that shit,"

"Your secret is safe with me." Duff nodded to me.



"Steven," Axl said while walking up to me.

"Yeah?" I asked in slight confusion since he was talking in a serious tone.

"You're sharing with my sister so look out for her, alright? Don't do no drugs, especially with her around, got it?"

I nodded understandingly, I really did care about Heather and wouldn't want to see anything happen to her, ever. Plus Axl would kill me if something did.

"I'll hold you to that." Axl said seriously, handing me the key before walking off.

"We're sharing, huh?" I smiled while walking over to Heather.

"I'll see you both later," Duff said before walking off, sharing a look to Heather which I didn't question.

"Want me to carry one of your bags?"

"Yeah, thanks,"

After getting up the stairs and into the room I lay on one of the beds in exhaustion. "What the fuck did you bring?"

"I went shopping a lot." she smiled innocently.

I shook my head with a small grin.


Word count- 870

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