Chapter 26- Secrets

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May 28th , 1984

A week had passed and Axl still hadn't apologised, we didn't really see eye to eye anymore, and honestly, I missed him.

So if he's not going to come to me, I'll go to him.

With a sigh, I stood up off the tan couch and walked off the bus, in hopes to find Axl.

After about ten minutes I found him smoking resting against a red brick wall. "So," I said to try and get his attention.

He looked at me but then quickly looked away, "Are you going to apologise or what?" I huffed.

He groaned looking down at the ground for a minute before finally deciding to face me, "Alright, look, I'm sorry, I was just upset I guess, even Izzy told me I was a dick to you...and so did Duff, but look I am sorry,"

"Alright thanks, I forgive you," I huffed, I'm just glad he'd finally fucking apologised.

"Great! Anyway, look, I'll catch up with you later, I gotta talk to someone." Axl nodded at me bevor rushing off, headed towards the Mötley bus.

Which reminded me, I was supposed to speak to Nikki at this time. I walked towards the bus but didn't open the door because I could hear Axl and Nikki talking...

I didn't mean to eavesdrop but they were just talking loud.

"Alright, I got something to tell you, but you seriously can't tell anyone,"

"Go on," I heard Nikki chuckle.

"So when we're recording our album, and when we were making Rocket Queen, Steven's girlfriend showed up at the studio and long story short we fucked and recorded it and I put the moans on the song,"

I could only half hear since it was muffled but I definitely heard the story. Poor Steven.

I mean he put it on the fucking song?

"No fucking way!"

"Yeah, but I don't know wether I should tell Steven or not-

"Don't tell anyone, I won't say anything if you don't,"

I quickly rushed away from the door when I could hear Axl leaving. I didn't want through my brother under the bus, but that was wrong.

But how the hell do you tell someone, 'oh, my brother fucked the shit out of your girlfriend and put it on a song and you still don't know about it!'

Maybe I could just tell Duff? We'd grown a lot closer now, I'd also gotten a lot closer to Tommy.

"Duff?" I called out quietly while entering the Guns bus. "Yeah?"

I looked around to see if anyone was there, "What's wrong?"

I sat down opposite him, "I got something to tell you that I'm not supposed to know,"

Duff immediately looked intrigued, "Tell me,"

"Okay, but seriously don't tell anyone, but if you do, don't say that you got it from me," I spoke quietly.

"Okay," He whispered loudly.


"Sorry," Duff whispered.

"So basically,"


After talking Duff the story we both wondered what we should do. "He's bound to find out on his own, right?"

"Probably not," I sighed.

"What if we just hint it to him, or write it down on an unsigned letter," Duff shrugged.

"The letters not a bad idea, but do we really want to destroy his whole relationship?" I mumbled.

"It's probably for the best," He said and I nodded.

"Maybe I could ask Adriana about it?" I suggested.

Duff nodded, "Just keep me updated,"

I giggled, "I didn't expect you to get so into the whole thing,"

"Not a lot happens around here," Duff shrugged.


A few hours later I was waiting for the right time to speak to Adriana, so when the opportunity came, I took it. 

"Hey Adriana?" I said while sitting next to her.


"Well...I heard something and wanted to talk to you girl to girl."


Word count- 642

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