Chapter 3: Sunsets

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25th May 1981

Summer break came around and I had just had my birthday turning 16. I didn't really care about school anymore. Not like I ever really did but yknow.

My brain was honestly fried from school, I didn't understand half of what was going on or what the teachers were saying and it was started to just piss me off.

I still had absolutely no clue what I was going to do for an actual job, my plan is just to 'go for it'.

"Little sis," Will barged into my room. I groaned and hid my head into my pillows. "You're coming with me and Jeff. I'm not leaving you here." he said seriously.

I sighed. "Alright just give me 15 minutes." I said as I rolled out of bed.

About 20 minutes later I walked downstairs and saw Jeff's car parked outside. His windows were fully rolled down. Jeff waved me over, I smiled to him before hopping in the back.

"You just love being late don't you?" Jeff teased playfully as he started the car. I could basically hear the smirk in his voice.

"I had 20 minutes to get ready," I sighed. "So where are we going?" I asked confused.

They both glanced at each other before Jeff turned his head to look out at the road. "Hello?" I huffed annoyed that no one was responding.

I waited another 30 seconds but still no one replied to me. "Alright, whatever," I hissed, more pissed off now.

I looked out of the window for most of the journey as Jeff drove up some hill. Will and Jeff talked amongst each other as I just stared out of the window.

Jeff pulled his car into a car park at the top of the hill, there weren't many people around surprisingly since it was still warm and the middle of summer break.

Will and Jeff got out of the car so I followed. The view from the top was beautiful, you could see everything from the top. I couldn't believe I hadn't been up here before.

I could see out at all the buildings and houses below me as they stood peacefully and sturdily. It was very quiet, only the sounds of crickets in my ears, it felt as if the whole city of Lafayette had gone to sleep.

I knew that below me there were thousands of people busy with whatever they were doing, but I couldn't help but feel like I was the only one actually there?

I snapped out of my confusing thoughts before realising how warm it actually was. Even though it was relatively late and the sun had started to set the air was still humid and heavy.

"I'm so fucking warm," I grumbled as I turned from the edge to face Will and Jeff.

"What did I say about fucking swearing," Will rolled his eyes. "Whatever," I shrugged not really listening to him.

I pulled out a cigarette and smoked it as I looked out over the cliff. "What did I tell you about smoking those things?" Will huffed sending me a glare.

"You do it," I groaned as I threw the cigarette on the floor and stubbed it out on the grass.

"Yeah, well I'm dumb." I shrugged as he spoke soon realising why I was dragged up to the cliff.

I saw Will and Jeff smoking a joint, passing it back and forth.

It reminded me a lot of last summer.

I had some great memories from last summer, I had spent most of it with Nichole. We had done a lot together that summer and for a moment, or just a split second it felt like I was free and didn't think about jobs or school or home. Everything was so calm and peaceful.

It was a feeling I craved to feel again, a moment I wished I could go and repeat over and over again. But as I looked out down onto Lafayette, I felt free again.

I walked over to the bonnet of Jeff's car and sat on it with my legs crossed. "You're old enough now, you wanna try?" Jeff shrugged.

"Sure I guess" I shrugged back at him. "Alright then." Will didn't seem all that bothered, Heaven knows what he was doing at my age.

Actually hell probably knows to be honest. Will glared slightly but shrugged it off to lost in whatever he was thinking about.

Jeff carefully rolled another joint for me and showed me what to do. After a few hesitant puffs, apprehension soon gave way to giggles.

Jeff smiled at how giggly I went. We passed the joint around, I had never felt so close to my brother before. It was like new bonds were being formed as we smoked together.

The sun set in front of me as I sat on the bonnet of Jeff's car. I watched as the sky went different colours of blues, shades of pinks and purples.

I was happy my mind was finally free and I wasn't just thinking about what job I was going to get or had to worry about going home. I felt so in the moment and relaxed as I stared out at the sky with my legs tucked into my chest.

We sat for a while like that as it slowly got darker and darker, the crickets getting louder. I could see people turning their lights off until more and more people did. It must be getting late, I sat mostly in silence just watching the sky change as Will and Jeff talked back and fourth. But I just stayed still with my legs tucked into my chest just watching and not worrying for a change.


Word count: 959

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