Chapter 19: Sister?

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May 10th, 1984

I woke up on the sofa with a Tracii laying half on top of me, Michael had called me also yesterday and said that the magazine "Playboy" wanted a shoot with me today.

I mean, I wasn't entirely proud of it, but the moneys good so who the fuck cares? Will probably would to be fair but he doesn't run my life.

The phone in the kitchen started ringing obnoxiously, I sighed and slithered out of Tracii's grip and walked into the kitchen with a tired yawn.

"Hello?" I yawned.

"Heather? It's Tiffany,"

I was confused on how she found my number especially since it wasn't even under my name, but I didn't question it since she knew everything about everyone.

"Tiff? What's up," I asked in slight confusion.

"Nichole was spreading some rumour about you, but don't worry I quickly shut it down and said it wasn't true,"

My fave dropped in horror as I twirled the phone cord around my finger in nervousness, Nichole was the only person who knew everything about me; like what I went through at home and just everything.

"What did she say?"

"She said you forced an eating disorder so you could be skinny,"

That's bitch!

It was half true, I had an eating disorder; but it was years ago, I've gotten out of it now, and it was forced.

"But don't worry I told the girls it wasn't true," Tiffany said softly.

I sighed, "thanks, Tiff,"

I rubbed my head with a small yawn. "Of course, babe, you just need to ignore her, she's obviously so jealous of you since you're in magazines and nobody wanted her in theirs,"

I chuckled, "how'd you get my number anyway?"

"I've got my secrets," Tiffany said, making me shrug.

"Anyway I've gotta go, babe, talk soon." She did a little kiss sound before putting the phone down on the hook.

I smiled before putting the phone down, I walked into my bedroom and put on a simple outfit and put myself together before walking back out.

"I wondered where you went after you abandoned me," Tracii said acting offended while walking into the kitchen.

"Sorry, I got a photoshoot," I explained.

"Atta girl," he smiled and patted me on the back, I rolled my eyes but couldn't fight my smile.

"When will I be expecting you home, hun?" He teased.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "a couple hours, probably," I said while walking to the front door. "Alright see you, babe,"

"Bye." I sang back before walking to the photo studio.


May 13th, 1984


It had been five days, nearly a week since I'd last seen Heather, she'd changed so much since I'd last seen her. I'd told Iz about everything that went down.

I could hear all the boys except for Izzy muttering to each other about something of other, while Izzy sat next to me.

I sat trying to write music but the boys talking distracted me, "what's so fucking interesting?" I spat frustratedly.

"This chick," Duff shrugged.

"Who?" I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"The one from the other day,"

"That better not be my sister," I thought to myself, as I stormed over to the boys.

I snatched the magazine off Duff, harsher than I expected to see my own fuckin' sister half naked on the front of some fucking playboy mag?

"The fuck," I muttered to myself before putting the magazine back down.

"What's wrong?" Duff's eyes didn't meet mine, they just went back down to my own fucking sister.

I groaned wondering if I should say something, "just stop lookin'," I groaned.

Slash looked up at me with a strange look. "Alright sorry, dude,"

"Why are you so bothered by that exact girl?" Steven asked in a confused tone.

I glanced over at Izzy, but it was obviously he wasn't going to help me out here.

"She's my fucking sister alright? So just fucking back off." I spat harshly as I stormed out of the studio.

"No way." I heard one of the boys mumble as I left the room.

I wondered down the street for the nearest phone booth, dialling Tracii's number. "Hello?" A voice said which I quickly recognised as my sister.

"What are you doing on the front of that mag?" I asked feeling upset that anyone could see her like that.

"It was a job, with good money and it's helping my career," I could hear her sigh.

"Well can you just stop?" I groaned.

"No," she groaned back.

After a few seconds of silence I spoke up, "you wanna come with me to the whiskey on the weekend?" I sighed.

"Sure, see you then I guess," she said skeptically, probably confused on why I just let it go so easily.

"Alright, bye." I said putting the phone down on the hook, I started to make my why back to the studio in slight irritation.

I pushed the door and walked in, "So when do we get to meet your sister?" Duff said all innocent but I knew what he was thinking.

"Shut the fuck up," I threatened, sending him a glare.

"Okay." Duff quickly shut up.


Word count: 873

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