chapter 8: Hard days night

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April 25th 1984

I  scrambled around trying to figure out what to wear as I watched Nichole sit in the armchair in the corner of our room looking totally chilled.

"You hungry?" She asked as she shoved some crackers down her throat. "I'm good."

"Cmon you gotta eat something," Nichole said still shoving her face. "I'm fine seriously, I just ate." I said, gritting my teeth.

"Alright." Nichole sighed loudly still eating. I felt slightly guilty about lying to Nichole since she was only looking out for me and she knew that I'd had problems with food before, but honestly every time I tried to eat I just felt like I was going to throw it back up, and also I didn't feel I could eat with all the butterflies flying around in my stomach making me feel slightly nauseous.

After we both got ready we decided to leave early since we'd probably end up lost, knowing us. I had put jeans and a shirt on to cover the dark red lingerie I had on because I'd probably be killed and kidnapped if someone saw me wearing that, let's be fair.

Nichole and I strolled through the bustling streets of LA, trying to stay together and not get lost. We soon found our way to the famous sunset strip, walking through the crowds of creepy people.

We somehow found the strip joint that hired us earlier and walked in. "Hey!" A woman greeted us warmly with a wide grin, sticking her hand out for us to shake.

"I'm Carolina" she smiled while shaking her hands, she must of picked up on our nerves. "You girls have nothing to worry about, all the girls here are super nice and we have good security," The woman reassured with her perfect wide smile.

"I'll show you both to the dressing room," Carolina led us through to a dressing room which held about 15 other women in which all immediately greeted us with their perfect smiles.

"The girls will tell you when to go on," Carolina smiled widely, "I'll catch up with you later." She waved before leaving the dressing room.

We chatted with some of the other girls and Carolina was right, they were all super nice and extremely welcoming. But not soon later the nerves started to bubble up again.

"What's wrong babe?" One of the women said whose name was Tiffany. "Just nervous." I chuckled awkwardly. "You have nothing to worry about!" Tiffany smiled giving me a half hug.

"I'll tell you when to go on and you'll be fine!" She smiled before pulling out of the half hug she had embraced me in. "Thanks." I smiled and she quickly returned the smile.

I was happy that the girls here were nice, I would've expected them to be more bitchy.

I sat in a chair in some tall ass heels which were dark red, matching my dark red lingerie outfit. I had dark eyeliner on and my hair was teased to an inch of its life.

"Hey babe? You're going on next so be ready, stand ready to go on," Tiffany rushed over to me before putting her hand on my lower back and pushing me lightly to the side stage so I could be ready to go on.

I flinched as she touched me, not expecting it. "You ready?" She smiled excitedly. "I guess," I smiled trying to be as confident as possible. "Just be confident and you'll be fine." She winked at me with a wide smile.

"You got this!" She smiled before walking off and chatting to someone else in the dressing room. I smiled as she walked off.

Tiffany had honestly made me feel a whole lot more confident and her bubbly personality could cheer anyone up. Everyone clapped as the girl who was just on stage walked off.

She smiled at me and gave a little nod for me to go on, and so I did. I strutted down in my tall heels to the pole at the front of the stage in my skimpy outfit, the lights reflecting off my tanned skin.

The crowd consisted of mostly men, mostly between middle aged and just old. No offence.

People hollered and stared as I reached the pole. Music was playing over the speakers which I couldn't really hear over random conversations and random hollers from the crowd. I did my thing, doing dance as a kid definitely helped with flexibility.

I looked out at the crowd while I danced around the pole, one man threw a fifty dollar bill at me. I gave the man a small wink resulting in a few other men to throw more bills at the stage.

Once my song had finished I bent down at picked up all my cash before strutting off the stage, but making sure to give the crowd a wink before completely leaving the stage.

I flopped down in one of the armchairs backstage still holding my cash. "How'd it go?" Tiffany quickly rushed over to me and sat in the armchair directly opposite me. "Good, I think," I smiled looking down at the cash.

"How much you get?" She asked signalling the money in my lap. "A hundred and forty bucks," I smiled at her and put the money in a backpack I'd brought right me.

"That's great! The crowd must of loved you." Tiffany winked with a smile. I smiled back faintly before quickly wondering about where Nichole had gone. I hadn't seen her since we'd gotten to the dressing room.

I mean, she'd promised she'd stick with me... she does this a lot. Like one time we went to a party a few years back, I didn't really know anyone there and she'd promised to stick with me, but she left me on my own for some random dude.

Or sometimes when we're out she'll leave me to hang with another group of girls...

"Have you seen, Nichole?" I asked breaking our silence. "I think she was with some of the other girls," Tiffany said nodding her head to Nichole talking to a few other girls.

"Does she always do this?" Tiffany asked which confused me.

"Do what?" I asked crossing my legs one over each other.

"Leave you on your own?"

The question made me sink back into my thoughts. I just thought maybe I was imagining it and that she was just talkative and just liked making new friends but now that Tiffany had brought it up, it made me think...

"Yeah, I suppose she does..." I dragged out, still deep in thought.

Tiffany gave me a sympathetic look before looking down at her hands. "That's not a true friend, Heather,"

I wouldn't say Nichole was a bad friend, I mean there's things she's done that's hurt me but she's not a complete horrible person.

I shrugged at Tiffany, she gave me another look. "Maybe we can go to dinner and talk about it sometime?" she suggested smiling faintly.

"I'd like that." I smiled at her.


Word count: 1177

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