Chapter 24: Goodbyes.

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May 23rd, 1984

Wednesday had finally come around and I was packing all my shit up to go on tour. I'd bought a ton of new stuff to wear, I was surprised it all fit in my suitcase.

I had also broken the news to Tiffany who seemed completely devastated that I was leaving her, Tiffany had also promised to keep me up to date with all the drama and I promised to call her whenever I could.

I'd spoken to my boss and he had no problem letting me have time off, he even offered to keep paying for my shifts even though I wasn't even there. And that wasn't a deal I was passing up on.

I lugged my heavy suitcase behind me as I walked to the front door of the apartment, "Heather," I heard a voice sing from behind me.

I turned and smiled at Tracii, "You weren't gonna leave without saying bye, were you?"

"Of course not," I walked over to Tracii noticing his beaming smile.

"I'm going to miss you," He said while wrapping his arms around me and snuggled his face into my shoulder playfully.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Trace," I giggled.

Tracii lifted his head back up and looked down at me immediately looking more serious, "Call me as soon as there's a phone and if you have any problems and want to come home, call me and I'll come get you."

I beamed from ear to ear, "What would I do without you?"

"Who knows," He smiled and we both started to laugh.

But once our laughter died down, Tracii looked more serious again. I watched as his eyes drifted to my eyes meeting mine before flickering down to my lips.

And with that, he leant in and kissed me.

And I kissed back.

His lips were soft exactly how you'd imagine, I thought about kissing Tracii once before, but I'm not even sure if I liked him. My feelings were all over the place.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Tracii pulled away, "Sorry, that probably made things awkward,"

"It didn't," I smiled keeping my usual happy tone up even though inside I didn't know how to feel.

I walked back over to the front door, "Please call me, and seriously if you ever need anything, just call me,"

I smiled, "Bye Trace."

"Bye Heth."

And with that, I opened the door to leave; lugging my heavy ass suitcase behind me. Tracii had offered to carry it down the stairs since it was like 6 flights of stairs before you get to the ground level but I assured him that I could do it.

But now I wished I'd just agreed, I nearly fell three fucking times trying to get this heavy fucking suitcase down the goddamn stairs. But once I got to the bottom I sighed, feeling more relaxed now.

Will had told me that the tour bus wasn't too far from the apartment but as I walked through the busy street lugging this suitcase, there was no bus in sight.

I was honestly so embarrassed since I kept accidentally hitting some random unsuspecting strangers with the case, "Sorry." I said to someone but the stranger sent me a glare before continuing on their way.

I walked down the street for about ten minutes before finding that fucking tour bus, and damn was it huge.

"Heather!" Duff said with a large grin.

"Want me to take your case?" He offered.

"Please." I groaned. He smiled and took the case, he handed it to some dude who stored it under the bus with all the other shit that was in there.

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